Loan Amount: 2 btc
Interest: 0.1 btc
How I will repay my loan: With my earnings on loanbase.
When I will repay my loan: 14 days or when the person returns the btc.
Why you should trust me: You dont have to because for every reason I give everyone think is a scam just that im a newbie.
Address to send loan to: 1LkiqjGG6caGZje4AnaugZFMYT2z44hfyi
Signed message below:
Address: 1LkiqjGG6caGZje4AnaugZFMYT2z44hfyi
Message : I am requesting a loan in the amount of 2btc from fanboy1 with my account of halfender that has negative trust. I did not purchase my account with negative trust. Today is 11.12.2015.
Signature : HImEAIPZwE+be+k9qt3nJAo0V9xHqktiJuCQw2TAZbtfCwVDFukZCQH/OfK3kIP8DuqyibWpI15V7MIUEA1VprM=
Thank you.
You're just a newbie asking for a loan with no collateral and tagged by a red flags. And also you're collateral is invalid, think before you post.