I've come to the conclusion that government is merely a reflection of people; though it can often contribute to creating people in a certain image, ultimately it's people who define their government and if they decide that schools as they are are fine, then that's how they'll be, whether or not they're detrimental. Another side-effect of rational thought is people taking an incredible interest in politics, as you and I are both anarchists and can attest to
I don't believe it necessarily has to be forced education however; I believe children are naturally curious individuals, though they have their own ways of learning. It's better to foster their natural curiosity than try to push it out to reinforce an ideology; I can't say a person who wants to understand the "why" of everything can ever change without being punished for it. Of course I'm only speaking of the right now, where we have to adapt to an authoritative environment, but in an anarcho-capitalist environment, people, including children, are free to go to school or not; the schools adapt entirely to what the market asks for, and in a society where everyone is rational, they're going to want the best schools whose sole focus is to train a person to think, young or old--assuming this is the best method of schooling. This all works out great since everyone's intelligent enough to at least function in such an environment; in order for anarchism to work, it necessitates secular rationalism; without this, it's always doomed to fail, as non-rationals inevitably revert to seeking guidance from someone who is, or at least claims to be in the case of many rulers. So there's no worry about anarcho-capitalists being unable to raise children properly, the schools just provide a more quality service. Until this point in time, however, changes have to be made outside of the system, which then are reflected into government; this is why it takes so long for these shifts to occur. So long as the Internet remains open and people see a reason to favor rationality over all else, which they primarily are exposed to through the Internet, the gradual shift is toward liberty and anarchy, not away. It's a slow start, if we count the first anarchists, but it's definitely accelerating.