So here is a video if a Bosnian girl throwing live puppies into a river and she received no punishment for it. Video is very graphic but it's important to see the Evil that exists in some "Humans"
When i see stuff like this i wonder what purpose is there for a human to remain alive after committing such an insane act? Another vile Scum that came to mind when i seen this Video is Michael Vick Remind me again why he is allowed to live and not face the death penalty?
I would straight drown that girl. If I even came up and saw something like that its for sure I'd be in jail that evening. I don't understand how people can abuse poor defenceless animals like that. That girl has some serious mental issues.
I have to agree, also. This reminded me of a video of a group of teenagers swinging around a elderly woman. It appeared on HuffingtonPost and other sites also.
Unlike this case, it was investigated. I'm not sure if it's because it was a human being or because of different laws, but shouldn't this be investigated also? And she should get jail time? I mean, most dogs act just like human children. Most of the time, I can't even say anything bad about my dog without me saying "Sorry, I just got angry over nothing" after a few minutes of guilt. I have no idea what brought her to THROW defenseless creatures into water like that.
If she would've messed with the neighbors unfriendly puppy guard dog, I wonder what she would've said then. "Oh yes, this dog attacked me. I was just trying to help the neighbor give it a bath."
Mental issues might be the deal, or any issues. Possibly Sadism, or something else? Hopefully they're investigating this. Because if somebody somehow finds out who did it, I think a few people might be wondering why this occurred. Either that or certain groups might take it into their hands.
Sometimes I wonder if everybody on this planet realizes what the word 'humanity' means.
She has a good arm.....
Do i have to say anymore about the way some people think?
I am not saying that what she did is ok.....
I am stating a fact that her arm is pretty strong, period.
Yep, the way she showed it off it pretty disgusting. Is she a piece of crap. Yes. Would I sign her up for my work's softball team? Yep.
Yes, throwing defenseless puppies show that you have a great arm. Not to mention, most puppies are light-weight.