I agree with half of your opinion. But i still believe in project on fund managing like genesis vision, also atlant for real estate. Crypterium as debitcard service also i believe. But not at super computer project and video streaming and social media who said will compete with facebook.
consider the following; Facebook can do everything instagram and snapchat can do. Do these two other ones have no reason to exist anymore? No, they do. Because the market is massive. Consider another thing; Internet was the biggest bubble we've seen in centuries. Did it fade away after the bubble, or did it explode even more? I'm guessing since everyone and his dog uses the internet, it's the second one. Sonm, a supercomputer, can expand this further than you can imagine. They can do things no other project can do, not even ethereum. Fog computing is an upcoming rare gem every company in the world will want, yet Sonm is the only blockchain related company coming close. I'm not asking you to invest, because I don't care, I'm asking you not to participate in mindless fudding
I am undecided about bitcoin.
One day I would like to hold another day I would like to spread all across some projects .
I am undecided about fog computer because of the upcoming Q-BIT SUPERCOMPUTER, so this is my fear
But I am strongly sure that the blockchain tecno will be the next internet (not the supercomputer on blockchain) because of decentralized storage and distribuited ledger.
I don't need to promote anything... the Internet of things and blockchain related projects will be so huge in the next 5-10 years that people who invest now in these sort of things could virtually have a future so sweet.
I mean... imagine IOT sensor on a tangle type of blockchain (NO SCALING PROBLEM)... if this is not a BOOM, which one will be?
I am not so much into plaforms aiming to copete with MAINSTREAM youtube/facebook cause people can't use cripto now, and they don't even know what an exange is
Think about before to invest