When you say "scientists agree," is it two scientists, or three? If you search for it, you can find loads of scientists who do NOT agree.
When you look at the geological record in the ground in Northern Siberia and Northern Canada, you find that the Arctic was once a tropical paradise. This seems to indicate that it is global cooling we should be worrying about.
We need more carbon (CO2) in the air. Why? This is the stuff that plants grow with. We need more plants in the world to feed starving populations.
We don't have the ability to do anything about climate change. The military has admitted that they have been spraying nano-particulates (chemtrails) in to the atmosphere since the 1950s. Yet the climate hasn't changed much. It's the sun that controls.
The climate change alarmists are simply people trying to cause fear and panic among others. Don't we have enough fear and panic with Covid? Are you a fear propagator, just to keep people fearful so that their immune systems are weakened more, and they catch more Covid?
If CO2 contributes to global warming, we need more of it in the atmosphere. Why? So that the northern lands can be thawed and opened up for habitation. So that the atmosphere will absorb more moisture for the deserts to become wetlands for more habitation... and plant growth from the CO2, itself.
In other words, there are loads of things to consider. Your video doesn't cover a bunch of them.