
Topic: "No Way To Prevent This," Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens (Read 5856 times)

hero member
Activity: 588
Merit: 501
that sadly is hard to achieve, and it's not about regulation, lobbying by car manufacturers in this case will not allow such a thing, but the good part is that in some area, like in metropolis using cars is hell and people tends to use public transports more and more to commute to work as it is basically impossible to get there during rush hours on cars, and some cities are taxing heavily city center circulation.

As for car accident, autonomous/self driving cars will solve a lot of these issues, I'm positive that in a decade to two road car accident will be reduced thanks to self driving and accident avoiding technologies (while the number of cars circulating keeps increasing)
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
What about this then?

Eliminate(ban) all private vehicles. Everyone must use public transit. For rural areas, there would need to be a gathering place for people to go to with either bicycles or cross country skis in order to catch the public transit.

Only law enforcement and a limited number of commercial vehicles as well allowed on the road. Commercial vehicles limited to 30 mph.

The rationale is that no one should feel they need a car. Only police and government officials should have them. This would dramatically cut the number of deaths, and the amount of pollution. It would be patriotic and environmentally friendly at the same time. And of course eliminate all motorsports.
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
1st, no more car manufacturers. We have government mandated designs only. 1 coupe, 1 sedan, 1 pickup and 1 suv/van all based on the same drivetrain. You can have multiple car companies make them but they would all be identical except color. they would be cheap to make and easy to repair.

HP limit at 75. 3 or 4 cyl engines only.
speed limiters for all vehicles except emergency vehicles at 75mph max
gps controlled speed limiting so you can't go over the speed limit
cellphone blockers in the car
no radio
breathalyzer for all vehicles
stricter penalties
raise starting age for drivers licenses
institute European testing requirements/punishments
no more racing sports, too dangerous and bad for environment.

that's a good start. would cut down greatly on deaths AND would also cut down on the pollution. win win.

hell, it would also cut down on envy between classes since poor and rich would be driving the same thing. win win win.
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
Mental health is a problem
gangs are a problem
failure to enforce existing laws is a problem
lack of education is a problem
failures of parents is a problem

majority of gun crimes are done by criminals and illegal weapons, the majority of what's left is suicides, the majority of what's left of that is accidents. You aren't going to do shit about that with new gun laws and restrictions because the current ones are already in place and just ignored.
Other nations have issues with gangs and mental healthcare, but they don't have the same amount of gun violence as the United States.
It seems like you're either denying reality that gun violence in a problem in the USA, or you're making an awful lot of assumptions about the term gun violence
not denying it at all, I'm not using guns as an excuse to avoid the real problems. Yes other countries have issues with gangs and mental health and the deal with them better than we do as well.
Also it would be far more effective, easier and cheaper to go after the deaths by car since you aren't dealing with criminals that already ignore existing laws. Not sure why that's not an issue.
How would you suggest "going after the deaths by car?"

Kuroman I can see your point on that I apologize
hero member
Activity: 588
Merit: 501
I want your home isolated, inspected, videotaped. Chicago is retarded, nothing new there.
 politicians only care about violence committed by white people or people they can claim are white (such as the new categories of WHITE hispanic and WHITE asian). Violence committed by full minority category Americans are swept under the rug and blamed on WHITE people anyway.

What are you talking about? the reason why the focus is kind of shifting is because Black people are considered suspects without doing a thing (I'm white but this is true) a Black person is controlled by the police way more often than his white compatriot and this happening here in europe as well, this is the reason of the shift in message, but the reality is still the same.

Anyway if you want to stop weapons you just do like in other countries make them illegale ! that will not prevent crime but it will reduce their amount and the danger factor attributed to them
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
Mental health is a problem
gangs are a problem
failure to enforce existing laws is a problem
lack of education is a problem
failures of parents is a problem

majority of gun crimes are done by criminals and illegal weapons, the majority of what's left is suicides, the majority of what's left of that is accidents. You aren't going to do shit about that with new gun laws and restrictions because the current ones are already in place and just ignored.
Other nations have issues with gangs and mental healthcare, but they don't have the same amount of gun violence as the United States.
It seems like you're either denying reality that gun violence in a problem in the USA, or you're making an awful lot of assumptions about the term gun violence
not denying it at all, I'm not using guns as an excuse to avoid the real problems. Yes other countries have issues with gangs and mental health and the deal with them better than we do as well.
Also it would be far more effective, easier and cheaper to go after the deaths by car since you aren't dealing with criminals that already ignore existing laws. Not sure why that's not an issue.
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
Mental health is a problem
gangs are a problem
failure to enforce existing laws is a problem
lack of education is a problem
failures of parents is a problem

majority of gun crimes are done by criminals and illegal weapons, the majority of what's left is suicides, the majority of what's left of that is accidents. You aren't going to do shit about that with new gun laws and restrictions because the current ones are already in place and just ignored.
Other nations have issues with gangs and mental healthcare, but they don't have the same amount of gun violence as the United States.
It seems like you're either denying reality that gun violence in a problem in the USA, or you're making an awful lot of assumptions about the term gun violence
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
I want your home isolated, inspected, videotaped. Chicago is retarded, nothing new there.
 politicians only care about violence committed by white people or people they can claim are white (such as the new categories of WHITE hispanic and WHITE asian). Violence committed by full minority category Americans are swept under the rug and blamed on WHITE people anyway.
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
 This how illogical Liberal thinking is
Does this fucking moron think this will have any impact on the criminal element in the Windy City?

Chicago mayor wants gun stores isolated, inspected, sales videotaped

Following a ruling by a federal court to allow gun stores in Chicago again, Mayor Rahm Emanuel is proposing strict regulations that include videotaping sales and refusing zoning in 99.5 percent of the city.

This comes after a January 2014 order by Federal Judge Edmond E. Chang, who found that the city’s de-facto 2010 ban on the sale of firearms inside its limits was unconstitutional. Following that order, the mayor requested six months to set up a list of regulations for these vendors.
Now, with more than four months elapsed, the Mayor’s office gave a sneak peak of its proposed tough new ordinance governing gun shops this week.

According to the Chicago Sun Times, this would include setting up special zoning that would limit shops to very narrowly outlined pockets, effectively placing 99.5 percent of the city off limits. Further, the stores could not be located within 500 feet of a park or school.

“There is no question it will be the smartest, toughest regulation on gun stores in the country,” said Janey Rountree, the mayor’s deputy chief of staff for public safety. “It’s designed to prevent gun trafficking and illegal sales in these stores.”

In addition to the restrictions on location, stores would have to video tape gun sales, conduct regular audits, and submit security plans to the Chicago Police Department for review. Moreover, owners would have to allow CPD to inspect their records and ration handgun sales to just one per customer per month.

Those stores found out of compliance could lose their license to operate inside the Windy City for up to three years.

Chicago effectively regulated the few gun stores that remained in the city’s limits in 2010 out of business in an effort to stem the tide of illegal guns available on the streets. Nevertheless, recent data released by CPD show that no less than 6,800 illegal guns were confiscated in the city in 2013 alone.

This is nothing new for the largest city in the Land of Lincoln. Between 2001 and 2012, CPD confiscated over 50,000 illegal firearms.

In 2012, the NYPD, responsible for a city of 8.3-million residents, picked up 3,285 guns and still had active gun shops. By comparison, Chicago cops, in a city of just 2.7-million, hauled in 7,400 guns with no operational shops inside the city.

While the proposed city ordinance has not been released for public review, it is expected to be finalized in coming weeks.
As such, gun rights groups such as the National Rifle Association, are reserving comment.

The deadline for submitting the ordinance is currently set for July 14.
hero member
Activity: 588
Merit: 501
And this is the reason why I'm against having a free market for arms, having weapons on circulation create issues and make them easly available for criminals, and increase the violence level and risk of death to higher levels
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
I can assemble bombs given enough time and some ingredients from local stores that cause far more devastation than any gun, I could also probably build some makeshift rockets if I did some research and that would definitely be more affective in terms of the level of destruction, depending on how sophisticated I wanted to be you don't even need to be in the location to set them off and terrorists have used these exact same methods to attack places that already have gun control in place like the UK.

You're too hung up on guns and are ignoring the fact that the people who carry out these attacks are almost always fucking crazy and quite often are known to the police before hand for causing trouble.
sr. member
Activity: 308
Merit: 250
People are dead because of a stupid stigma about mental illness.

Sorry that I don't think that's something to mock.

I'm glad that there are people out there who recognise this as well, there were doctors calling for more investigations and investments into the mental health industry even before Sandy Hook, of course this is ignored by politicians and others who want to either profit from these massacres or get re-elected on it.

Even here you've got people already blaming 'gun culture' for the problems rather than looking at stuff which has already been pointed out.

But guns exacerbate that problem. While completely accepting that people with mental issues need medical attention,if people didn't have guns in the first place,then there would be no way that he could vent out his anger so destructively. I mean the amount of shootings and the kind of news coverage that it is given is absolutely obscene. Anyone who is dissatisfied with their life can go on a shooting spree with full confidence that their face will be shown on TV for weeks,and that their personal relations and that their life will be given importance and dissected on national news networks.
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
People are dead because of a stupid stigma about mental illness.

Sorry that I don't think that's something to mock.

I'm glad that there are people out there who recognise this as well, there were doctors calling for more investigations and investments into the mental health industry even before Sandy Hook, of course this is ignored by politicians and others who want to either profit from these massacres or get re-elected on it.

Even here you've got people already blaming 'gun culture' for the problems rather than looking at stuff which has already been pointed out.
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 511
to me, the american mentality is really off.. our gun culture is pretty fucked up, and even though guns aren't the ones who ultimately kill people, it's for some reason entrenched in our culture to own guns and lots of them. there is no other developed nation that has close to the gun violence that we do.

Yes, I live in Europe and im glad we dont have so many guns here, you hear so many stories in The Usa how guns are killing innocent people.
Ofcourse you Americans say we need it to defend ourselfs, but the most crazy people have easy acces to guns.
You can just buy it at shop, ive read the manifest from elliot rodger's to, he said he bought 3 guns total very easily.
When the cops came the first time they didn't search his room otherwise they wouldve found his guns, so he kept one close to him with ammo in case they came again and he wanted to kill the cop if that happened.

hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 1000
And people wonder why I'm willing to risk my life by going to Mars. I just tell them, "Every single day, you risk your life just by going outside. You could get shot by some creep with a gun. You could get T-boned by a drunk driver on your way home from work tonight. Don't tell me I'm perfectly safe right here on Earth."
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
to me, the american mentality is really off.. our gun culture is pretty fucked up, and even though guns aren't the ones who ultimately kill people, it's for some reason entrenched in our culture to own guns and lots of them. there is no other developed nation that has close to the gun violence that we do.

The American general public is forced to carry a lot of small arms with them, as the crime rate is very high there, when compared to the European countries. The first priority for everyone is to save their families from the home invasions and burglaries.
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
to me, the american mentality is really off.. our gun culture is pretty fucked up, and even though guns aren't the ones who ultimately kill people, it's for some reason entrenched in our culture to own guns and lots of them. there is no other developed nation that has close to the gun violence that we do.
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
Mental health is a problem
gangs are a problem
failure to enforce existing laws is a problem
lack of education is a problem
failures of parents is a problem

majority of gun crimes are done by criminals and illegal weapons, the majority of what's left is suicides, the majority of what's left of that is accidents. You aren't going to do shit about that with new gun laws and restrictions because the current ones are already in place and just ignored.
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
I don't have answers but I know better than to follow those being the most vocal with blame today because their emotional focus is not on really solving the issue but with some small portion they support. Gun control is not really going to stop those wanting to commit crime with guns, Obamacare really solves not a single issue with medical care but insurance, immigration reform is all about the illegals here and not about true reform (the past being repeated), etc.
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
We are in a "blame something besides ourselves" society today. We used to have state run asylums where people could be put to protect themselves and society but those were closed out, primarily due to rising cost and abuse by those running them (usually working for "the state"). The "Mental health professionals" that SureFire mentions are also a major part of the problem as they push for meds and people to be released in society...more like dumped on society with a prescription and no real mental health care. Then you have those who jump on these issues to support their own causes, like gun control, as a solution but are not willing to actually tackle the steps needed to implement gun control (closed borders, extreme punishment, door-to-door removal, disarming Police who show they are no better than average citizens at using or owning guns) unless they feel it's a path to more power on their part.
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