Thanks for sharing. I just started using this telegram bot 3 days ago and I don't know if this was already mentioned before but, it seems if your post was "quoted", then you get a notification; but then when that poster's response to your post got quoted as well, you'll get another notification and as long as there's someone quoting the same post, you'll get endless notifications, gets 'nyo?
It's kinda annoying especially your original post got quoted by numerous users and down the line, their post is no longer relevant to your post. I hope there will be an option to just limit the notification to just level 1 quote and level 2 onwards, the bot no longer notifies you. Meron na ba nun?
Example: 4 levels of quotes below
But it is too early to tell whether this project is good or not. The ultimate test is the IEO. Even if the project appears to be good enough for all of us if the IEO does not raise even the soft cap, that means the project is not good enough for the investors. If the investors consider it bad, then the project is most probably bad. We still have to wait for the progress of the project.
This is quite true, we won't know for sure until the bounty ends. Or at least until it reaches its soft cap. But it also doesn't mean thag it will also be good. I've seen tons project after reached the softcap, well, that's all. The coin/token doesn't have value in the market or cannot survive.
I agree. I guess there are several ways to measure the success of a project. If the project is reaching its hard cap that means it is already successful on the first stage. But then the project's operation after the ICO or IEO needs a different measurement of success. You are right that there are so many projects that reached the soft cap but failed to operate the way they should. They are still bad projects. But if the project is not reaching its soft cap but realizes later on its roadmap and product releases then it is still successful.