Released NPlusMiner 7.3.0 Release:
NPlusMiner with MultiRig remote management, AI, GUI, AutoUpdate, Earnings Tracker and Monitoring
Candidate for AutoUpdate = Yes
- NPlusMiner checks for updates every 24 hours.
- If you do not want to wait, simply restart NPlusMiner and it will pick it up on startup
- Some miners might need to update vc++ redistributable we recommend to install from here:
- -
Added ProHashing Pool support - Uses the same user name as "MPH UserName"
- If you have a different user name, use PoolsConfig.json to define it
- EarningTracker support requires the ProHashing API Key in PoolsConfig.json
- Example PoolsConfig.json:
"default": {
"PricePenaltyFactor": 1,
"Wallet": "134bw4oTorEJUUVFhokDQDfNqTs7rBMNYy",
"UserName": "mrplus",
"WorkerName": "NPlusMinerRocks",
"APIKey": "2c7f2ab04f6frhghzerhgegvfefggtsghb4b6a3f78"
"prohashing": {
"PricePenaltyFactor": 0.9,
"Wallet": "134bw4oTorEJUUVFhokDQDfNqTs7rBMNYy",
"UserName": "mrplus",
"WorkerName": "NPlusMinerRocks",
"APIKey": "6761189efgnhzapdvjugvbzampdgvhùs122863177e05a",
"Algorithm": [
"prohashing24hr": {
"PricePenaltyFactor": 0.9,
"Wallet": "134bw4oTorEJUUVFhokDQDfNqTs7rBMNYy",
"UserName": "mrplus",
"WorkerName": "NPlusMinerRocks",
"APIKey": "6761189efgnhzapdvjugvbzampdgvhùs122863177e05a",
"Algorithm": [
"prohashingplus": {
"PricePenaltyFactor": 0.9,
"Wallet": "134bw4oTorEJUUVFhokDQDfNqTs7rBMNYy",
"UserName": "mrplus",
"WorkerName": "NPlusMinerRocks",
"APIKey": "6761189efgnhzapdvjugvbzampdgvhùs122863177e05a",
"Algorithm": [
Added MiningDutch Pool support - MiningDutch is not supported for EarningsTracker
- Uses the same user name as "MPH UserName"
- If you have a different user name, use PoolsConfig.json to define it
- Trex 0.15.3
- Moved to TTMiner and NBMiner for KawPow
- Fixed GMiner on NiceHash
**Improved Peers auto registration** - Peers on servers will now auto-register
- Will register on server
- Will attempt to register on any peers known by server
- All instances of NPlusMiner must have the same user name and password
- Server is now activated by default for fresh installs
- AutoUpdate will not activate
- Web UI no shows running miners for all declared peers on status page
- Check all your farm Rigs in one place
- Same user name and password required on all Rigs
- Updated Web UI style
- Improved Web UI
**Will overwrite default password for security** - If you kept the default password on servers, it will be overwritten with a random password
- You will have to update clients
- Blank password is not allowed and will be overwritten at start as well