Yep another great excuse here everyone
Up to date ... deletes scamming attempt - decided not to scam now thanks for reading.
I changed it 3 years later after I was busted for it because I like to keep things up to date.
This is EVIDENCE of willful willingness to facilitate scams for money. Not just any post.
This post is a classic also I wonder when this gets edited - nutildah in 2014 saying it is evil and facilitates scams if you offer your account for sale. ... then tries to sell his account for 0.3btc
Imagine being SO SURE account selling is going to result in people being scammed and how you are going to make your own threads and report everyone who does it.... BUT WAIT for 0.3 BTC you will help ensure people get scammed and turn evil too hahaha
new scammer can always alter that thread to say no longer for sale was just kidding? or if it does not sell I will just change it myself to only kidding I changed my mind on the OP either way just updating right? updating is allowed.
It is commonly known that people buy and sell accounts. It is illogical to assume this.
Wrong. It is NOT commonly known, especially among noobs. I didn't know about it until a month ago or so, and then I couldn't believe that it was actively being endorsed by the mods.
Regardless of if this is true or not, it is very immature to give something more weight just because a certain person said it; you should listen to specific arguments and facts not who is making the statement.
? Do you understand that people trade based on the rep of the username alone all the time? Regardless of your feelings on the subject, people do this every day all the time. If Satoshi came on here and said something I sure as hell would give it a lot more weight than when you say something. Even if I disagreed with what he was saying.
In order to impersonate an identity, you would need to not own that identity in the first place. When you use the term impersonate you are implying that the identity does not belong to the poster, but in fact it does.
But this is obfuscated by the fact that most people don't know that they are reading the words of a bought account. There is no honesty or redeemable qualities in your arguments, you're simply trying to defend borderline evil behavior for your own selfish financial reasons.
Fixed. I've still yet to see any proof of accounts being sold to be used for 'mass propganda'.
Who cares what the person is gonna do with the account? Whatever it is, it is BULLSHIT because they are pretending to be a different person. This makes them a liar, an impostor, a bullshitter.
And here you are a staff member defending this behavior.
You guys are greedy beyond belief. What would Satoshi say if he read about this? I can't help but think he would say you destroyed the original intention of his forum and turned it into a breeding ground for scum and villainy.
I think the main rationale and reasoning for allowing accounts to be sold is because allowing them lets others know that the practice can and does go on and banning them may give people a false sense of security, not to mention banning their sale will not stop the behaviour from happening and only push it further underground and into obscurity.
This forum also doesn't moderate or ban scammers, but that doesn't mean we allow or encourage them nor do we profit from it in any way from it.
Still, you are impersonating somebody unless you disclaim that you bought their account, which never happens. So buying accounts is a 100% dishonest manuver. Its never been used for an honest purpose because pretending to be somebody you are not is lying.
I dunno, while I appreciate your explanation, it still just seems that you are sticking up for criminals at the end of the day. I really don't understand how you guys can live with yourselves knowing how many crimes are committed here on a daily basis. I certainly hope you don't actually believe you are contributing to some benevolent force in the world because you are not.
You're just telling thieves and scammers its OK to be a thief and scammer here. In the end it will decrease your revenue, not mine.
Monitoring is underway.
I'm collecting two lists, one of account sellers and the other of account buyers. I will be sure to post this information, links and dates so everybody can see who to avoid from now on.
updating, the cure for any attempted scam.
This is the reason people archive scammers posts they reference because they may want to keep them up to date by putting.. no longer wanted to scam people really just kidding before. I changed this now because people kept using my post as evidence I was trying to scam people. However now you all know I never really wanted to scam people it's all cool right. Please stop using this as evidence against me because it won't work as well now.
Just keeping you up to date on things. Many regards nutildahs twin pajeet.
@moron bozo
please do not derail with the " spamming of words" theory you are working on. Spamming words, does seem like a promising angle to weaponize. I would dedicate lots more time to this if I were you. Where is the spamming of words thread? This will be a lot of fun. Just don't try to go off topic and derail this thread with that theory now please or we will report it and if not deleted we will bring that to meta for examination.
the rest of your post is confusing as usual. Please keep on topic.
Thanks for reporting it you good little croatian dog. Keep yapping, and reporting like a pathetic servile snitch of course, but keep it on topic. We enjoy every bump even from the lowest form of pathetic dreg here.
Keep coming up with brilliant new excuses. You have now your very first untrustworthy example we will shove in your turd world gob every time we feel like it. Well aside from you directly supporting scammers on to dt1 previously. But then that is just every dt1 member nearly so that is not so outstanding now.
YOU say it is fine for scammers/scam facilitators to edit the evidence of thier scams after they have been busted and that is not shady behavior at all. I mean they leave them there for years on end BUT then when someone really starts to bring it to light years later they can edit them if they want, and that is totally acceptable and does not look shady. Is that what you are saying moronbozo? Yes or NO.
I am happy for you to say YES so please don't hold back.