Not true, his intention was to make money, period
To "facilitate scamming" is a very possible outcome/consequence that may follow later on, if he wanted to scam he would have used account to trade and probably get a bit more than his account would sell for.
Now, if he really did scam someone and went away with it, then you would make perfect sense on why isn't he tagged, now for the purpose of this debate, let's assume he really did sell his account and whoever uses the account now is not the same guy back in 2016, the questions to be asked are
1- Did the new guy scam anyone?
2- Did the account's posts turn into useless spam?
if not, then what difference does it really make if it's the guy who created the account or it's someone from the other side of the world? as far as "scam" is concerned, it does not really matter.
you see I can give you a million reasons of why his account shouldn't be tagged, while I can also give you the same amount of reasons on why must his account be tagged, but that wouldn't change a thing, DT members happened to agree on not to tag his account.
There is really no other way of looking at it, there is no super power he has which keeps protecting him, at the time there was no DT / Merit gang, nobody would have protected him, it just happened , stop trying to make up reasons for it.
Wrong doings by some DT members need to be kept in check by other DT members
True, but there is now more than what, 100 , 200 ? DT members, non of them thinks that account deserve a tag, I hope you don't think that all current DT members are afraid of him or some stupid shit like that.
direwolf and mikey seem incapable to understand a very basic and undeniable FACT.
1. nutildah is certain that selling your account will lead to scamming READ THE FUCKING QUOTED POSTS FROM 2014
He feels so certain about it and so strongly, he is sayng he will start his own thread about account sellers to make sure they are pariahs ( because they are evil and facilitating scams)
2. If you are certain selling your account will lead to people getting scammed then you are willingly to facilitate scamming for a Price IN THIS INSTANCE 0.3 BTC
How can this be difficult to understand?
It is quite possible that people lack the capacity to understand this simple concept but they should not be on DT.
If you have and are still incapable of seeing why this person is undeniably financially high risk then you both should not be on DT or making any kind of decisions of influence on this forum.
There can be NO DENYING that nutildah
1. believes firmly account selling leads to scamming and facilitates scams which he feels strongly is wrong and EVIL
2. that although he believes this to be wrong and evil HE IS STILL GOING TO DO IT FOR A PRICE.
Mikeys argument seems to have gone off on a tangent and seems as always to be mutating into a different scenario. What if a scammer says, I did not want to scam. I just wanted to make money period. If there was another way to make the same money or I just got that amount of money handed to me for doing nothing I would have rather done that. DOES THAT MAKE IT OKAY??
The clear intention is this... Let me try and break it down.
1. I am certain that selling my account will facilitate scamming ( confirmed by 2014 posts)
2. I am willing to punish others selling accounts even starting my own thread because I am so certain it is EVIL to sell your account (confirmed by 2014 posts)
3. In light of 1&2 I will still be willing to sell my account for 0.3 BTC (confirmed by 2016 posts)
there really is no OTHER way to see it.trying to bring in the changing attitudes of the board ONLY MAKES IT WORSE FOR NUTILDAH...
2014 - majority said it was okay - nutildah is 100% sure it is facilitating scams and evil.
2016 - many now realizing it does facilitate scamming - nutildah if paid 0.3 btc believes now
? haha
can you not see how foolish your arguments of defense are? Please bring SS here so he can help you alter the meaning of words that may help?
If you are sure doing something is wrong and it will harm others but you will still do it for a the fuck can anyone ever trust you again?
You would NOT be giving this protection to any non DT.
These specious arguments of defense are really poor and transparent.
Why is he not tagged? because as Laudas feltching clown and vods posts have confirmed.... we dare not act against the central colluding group or it will negatively impact upon us. ( confirmed)