No wallets are coming out. We at nxt only uses passwords/passphrase/brainwallet
Type in anything in the nxt client after pressing the unlock button and it will be your account, remember to use a really long (30characters/symbols+) jiberish password that makes no sense and write it down somewhere. I printed mine out. If your password is hellothisismypassworditisreallylong then your nxt will be stolen in less than a minute after depositing. Make your password something like helLo101this*(*ismy*(&$^&pass<><.,;'{word31it(*&isHJHreally+_+{LonG&**
so which client is it then? i had about 5 clients thrown at me and none of them work/are useless
If you're on Windows, the link in my signature is to my Windows Installer for NRS.
doesnt work either..