I have always been curious to hear what other alt coin developers have to say about NXT. I even ask myself if they even know about NXT.
I was pleasantly surprised to find out at the Texas Bitcoin Conference that a lot of "major" alt coin developers were
FULLY AWARE of NXT and it's technological features.
In this 6th and last video interview with Vitalik Buterin (one of the co-founders of Ethereum (ETH)), we talk about about the differences between Ethereum and other alt coins such as NXT.
http://prisonorfreedom.com/what-is-the-difference-between-ethereum-vs-nxt-or-any-other-alt-coin/It was very clear to me that Vitalik was very aware of NXT and it's features. Unfortunately, I was not in a technical position to have any worthwhile debate with him about the differences between NXT and Ethereum.
In the video, he states "good luck [to NXT]" when I asked what prevented NXT from also developing a scripting language.
What does this mean?
Is NXT able to add a scripting language or is it already too late?
My impression from talking to Vitalik is that a scripting language needs to be created from the very beginning n it's too late for NXT to create one and that is why he said "good luck".
Is my understanding correct?
Tai Zen
very nice video Tai Zen, was fun to watch it. of course he is aware of nxt. moreover he is also aware about the time-advantage nxt have.
this is critical to ethereum. if you look closer to what vitalik said, you find out that nxt
has already everything ethereum plans.
functional differences for the scripting language is very minor in results but huge if you consider the now, real existing featureset
compared to ethereums roadmap.
(one reason why i recommended a feature matrix today, to make exactly
this visible)
edit: instead ranting here about a completely normal price oszillation, during a general crypto downtrend. we better concentrate to transfer the
existing featureset message.