WTF linux?
Now Ive used unix/linux/freebsd for years and years. Yes I am one of the few people who can actually say they've used 'real' unix. I used to run an AT&T 5ess central office switch. anyways, I also used to use openbsd desktop environment, successfully I might add, and have also run lots of misc little app/servers on freebsd/solaris.
so it not like Im some dumb tard off the street trying to try linux.
what is this BULLSHIT ubuntu 'unity' WM or X server or whatever the hell it is? dammit when I ln -s something to ~/Desktop and the target is a bash script I FUCKING EXPECT TO BE ABLE TO RUN THE GODDAM SHELL SCRIPT!!!! WTFFFFFF?
why does it always automatically mount my windows partition? hell i manually unmount it and a few minutes later there it is again.
OK unity sucks. so I found some instructions to change to gnome
ITS WORSE. now NOTHING shows on my desktop! I cannot even find an app list of stuff similar to windows start.
WTF linux why must you suck so bad?
Try Zorin OS.