Everyone buy NXT, there are everyday tousends of new accounts and everyone speak about the coin, but the price is falling?
This is amazingly good news. New interest + new accounts + lots of excitement + falling price = big stake holders are selling. This is crucial for the long term health of the network.
I agree this is good news to get more NXT into more pockets, but something else is going on too. These sales are not a steady decline - they are four separate big sales in a very short period of a few minutes that are in the 600K - 900K range. Over 3M total - and the price keeps bouncing back up every time.
3million lol thx 4 teh info, are the big nxt holder stupid too sale now all nxt?
Im too buying, but im only wondering, but im insert now all my btc i have, i sell all my altcoins and buy nxt
Hope it was not a wrong decision.
I hear that at the end of 2014 the price will maybe reach 8-10 Dollar for 1 NXT.