going to a size-of-wallet voting scheme is plain MEDIEVAL - sure this has been brought up here before, but how about this:
Thanks everyone for the great ideas and discussion about voting, it's what I was hoping for
I agree with the above statement and that's why I proposed what I did. My concept of voting is only based on the American democratic process. So that's why I proposed how I did.
I am curious that no one commented about the account restrictions based on blockchain height I mentioned: If a vote was proposed and went public on block height of 45,000 an account would have to have existed for 'X' number of blocks before the block containing the vote (i.e, you have to be 18yrs old to vote in the U.S.), we could take it a bit further and say that that account would also have to NXT in it for a certain amount of blocks before the vote as well (like the 1440 blocks before you can forge). This could surely cut down on the amount of gaming no?
This makes a lot of sense on so many levels. Not only would it prevent gaming the system from large holders, but it prevents people from buying large sums of NXT (for a short period) to try to manipulate the vote. The more I think about this approach, the more it grows on me.
This is a great idea. A forging account with public key will be able to get one vote. Or as mentioned above, only an account that existed at a particular block height would get to vote on the particular topic. That way you could go back in time and put up a vote for a smaller group of founders, etc...
+1 I like the idea. But if you go back to the first block, there aren't anyone else to vote except BCNext or anyone else ?
As long as it is 1 NXT, 1 vote, then it makes sense. Anything else opens up to Sybil attacks and tyranny of majority. Certainly using NXT in accts at the moment vote is started is a good idea.
I am confused why this is such a hot topic. America uses republic system, not democratic for most things. Representatives are elected and they then make all the decisions. Since this system is pretty much maps to $tbd USD = 1 vote, to elect the representatives/senators/etc, not sure what the big controversy over 1NXT==1vote is
Has anybody noticed that it is nearly impossible to get 10 founders to agree on any single thing? They are 10 different people. Also, combined, they own a minority, so if they somehow manage to join forces to try to confiscate everyone elses NXT (that is what everybody is concerned with right?) they will fail and probably cause a reverse.
Tyranny of the masses is far more likely. What happened in America, the more numerous poor people vote to transfer wealth from the wealthy to themselves. America goes from biggest creditor nation to biggest debtor nation in the world
In any case, the Voting System is a non-binding mechanism to gauge public opinion. Certainly for any NXT threatening issue, there should be no doubts that all NXT holders big and small will make a correct decision, on balance, eg. avoiding hard forks.
Also, my experience is that the founders are by and large decent and intelligent people and why people think they would intentionally do damaging things, confuses me
Well my understanding of the voting system is similar to the polls here in bitcointalk, or any other place. Not that any action will necessarily take place but if action is required we can get a majority idea of how the community would like to proceed.
I guess my stumbling block in understanding is why someones vote who has more wealth would have more weight then someone who has less. In my mind a true democratic system would be each person has an equal say regardless how much you own (NXT in this case).
Wealth in this case may mean fiat since some of us spend fiat to acquire NXT but wealth could also just mean the NXT themselves and what they allow you to do: purchase aliases, send messages, etc.
I thought by using NXT in accounts in reference to block height of vote proposal would limit Sybil attacks. Granted we can't eliminate them entirely but it least if will cost the malicious party to set up multiple voting accounts and spread NXT around even more.
My two NXTs....