NXT NEWSLETTEROn the subject of info getting lost and most of us spending hours after hours on catching up on bitcointalk, nxtcoin.org, forum.nxtcrypto +
I have the time to tie a newsletter together a week - if somebody is willing to help me with info. I don't have the time anymore to trawl all the NXT-threads, but I can gather, sample and send the updates out, if I am feeded a resume from the different sources of information.
NXTers on the mailing list will then get a chance to focus on their own battleground, while still getting the most important headlines from every other field of the NXT development (with links to the sources). Personally I like being up to date - also in the fields I am not capable of contributing to. And another plus: Important announcements for the community can easier reach everybody via a maillinglist.
We need
at least one person from:
- Bitcointalk (main thread + various others)
- Nextcoin forum
- Forum.nxtcrypto
to join this project and "feed" the newsletter resumes.
Info sent directly from developers or marketeers is of course also welcomed.
I don't have a thing (or NXT
) to give you in return, but contributors will get their acc number on their contributions - and more importantly right now: Help to organize the NXT stream of info.
Brainstorm on topics…
- Clients
- Security / interface improvement
- Arbitrary message and mobile app
- Features / source code development
- Promotion and marketing
- Attacks
- Quote of the week
- Bounties (new and ended)
- NXT initiatives / new sites / games / scams
and so on…
- Open discussions (voting system, unclaimed coins, exchanges and so on…)
What this newsletter comes down to is in essence just answering everybody: Where are we now?How can I help? ….. What is NXT?
PM me if you want to contribute.
I posted this on nextcoin and forum.nxtcrypto too.
https://forums.nxtcrypto.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=562https://nextcoin.org/index.php/topic,2915.0.htmlPlease spread the word to other threads that you know of too, if you want this to happen.
Great. Love the speed of this thread.
Count me in! As you can see from my signature, I have compiled so many links for you
Thank you. Your compilation is a treause chest.
This is kind of scary, because I wanted to start a daily summary service for this thread on my blog at the Dutch nxtcoins.nl.
I'll probably still do that, as Dutch people need info, too, but it means I'm gathering topics anyway, so I'm available to help, too.
Great. Hopefully it will go both ways.
Contributors this far: