eMunie will be released, and it will be successful.
- thank you for sharing your thought about eMunie.
And we know your attitude toward Nxt:
I didn't commit to any specific actions when I sent in my BTC back in September - I'm not so much a stakeholder as an investor/gambler. I'm grateful to those users who are actively doing things to support NXT, but was there an agreement we signed? Everyone is following their own self interest.
Yes, that is still my attitude toward NXT! It has turned out to be an excellent investment, and I feel very fortunate to have spotted BCNext's original post when I did. By then I had however, already discovered emunie 6 weeks earlier, and even on the day I sent in my contribution to BCNext's IPO I knew that the NXT big thing in the crypto currency world was going to be a system that tackled price volatility head on. NXT isn't doing that, but emunie is.
It is possible to design a system that can sense network supply and demand signals in real time and adjust the rate of currency creation dynamically. This is the moment in history when human knowledge can use computing power and decentralised networks to do something like this. Elastic supply and price stability is possible, and I believe emunie will achieve this.
It isn't rocket science, but it is digital currency science, and Fuserleer is a pioneer, just like Satoshi, and BCNxt is a pioneer also.
But Fuserleer is real person named Dan Hughes, and I've chatted with him, and got to know him. He's a really good guy. Don't you guys wish you could have a chat with Satoshi or BCNext nearly every day in a shoutbox? But you can't. Nobody can, because those guys have chosen to hide - that's a bit sad, and it's going to make selling crypto currencies to the general public and business a lot harder.
Transparent forging is very clever, and if it works as planned NXT might achieve visa transaction rates. BUT, emunie can achieve visa transaction rates too, and it's 100% anonymous, with a super lightweight blocktree, and it has human understandable addresses like alias names, and messaging, and chat, and will have a p2p exchange very soon too - plus a heap of other stuff that blows my mind. It'll work on a phone too eventually, so it'll be mobile friendly.
I'm not a technical guy, but I know what I've seen testing the beta clients, and my money is on Fuserleer doing exactly what he has said he'll do. He's nearly there, and eventually all the code demons will get to see how he did it. But only a fool would reveal HOW it works before he's launched his product. And he's done so much testing, when it launches it will be ready for wide adoption without bugs and crashes.
A fixed supply does not make a good currency, so I'm an emunie guy, with a solid respect for NXT.