Edit, here are actual numbers:
51,189,348 is owned by 1 accounts
101,194,537 is owned by 2 accounts
151,072,364 is owned by 3 accounts
228,626,667 is owned by 5 accounts
255,359,863 is owned by 6 accounts
307,218,909 is owned by 8 accounts
358,888,187 is owned by 11 accounts
411,719,731 is owned by 15 accounts
455,177,139 is owned by 19 accounts
504,908,228 is owned by 24 accounts
551,807,211 is owned by 29 accounts
602,199,198 is owned by 35 accounts
651,455,247 is owned by 43 accounts
700,721,264 is owned by 54 accounts
750,533,260 is owned by 76 accounts
800,590,952 is owned by 120 accounts
850,100,705 is owned by 192 accounts
900,030,899 is owned by 538 accounts
Would you add numbers?
Number of Accounts with 10.000 Nxt+
Number of Accounts with 100.000 Nxt+
Number of Accounts with 1000.000 Nxt+
I recalculated your table to compare it with Btc:
289 million Nxt is owned by: 7 accounts
215 million Nxt is owned by: 14 accounts
248 million Nxt is owned by: 55 accounts
207 million Nxt is owned by: 10.000 accounts
Lost: 5.000.000 Nxt
28.9% 47 individuals
21.5% 880 individuals
24.8% 10.000 individuals
20.7% 1 million individuals
But still, is there a chance to get easy answer to this:
Number of Accounts with 1.000 Nxt
Number of Accounts with 10.000 Nxt
Number of Accounts with 100.000 Nxt
Number of Accounts with 1000.000 Nxt
Number of Accounts with 10.000.000 Nxt -this is easy
Number of Accounts with 100.000.000 Nxt - this too