I need a little advice: How can we calculate a daily cost of Nxt web?
Something like:
number of peers x watts of the average computer? and transfer kW in Dollars?
Do we know a number of forging computers?
I do a simple calculation for you as following:
Say 10, 000 nodes in the network for Nxt, as you know there are about 10,000 accounts.
Say each node is a Pi, say each pi consumes 10Watts, so total 100kW, it's 2400 kWh, which is just $600 a day with $0.25 per kWh.
Say each node is a server with 500 Watts, that's 50 times of the above calculation, so it is about $30,000 a day.
So I predict a total power consumption is in the range of $600 ~ $30,000 a day, and most probably below $10000.
Wow, that's the most efficient system in the crypto currency world.
Edit: go on a simple calculation of the price for Nxt. Presently a day's tx fee is ~ 5000 Nxt, if it should cover the power consumption, that is, $600/5000 ~ $30,000/5000, so the Nxt price in the range $0.12 ~ $6.
Yeah, my pricing for Nxt is $0.12 ~ $6. But there are 300 nodes, not 10k:
http://peerexplorer.com/donate(1), 22k(3), 22k.io(66), BEER(1), CentOS(2), FreeBSD(1), linux(6), NCC-1701-D(1), NCC-1864(1), nxt.now.im(12), nxt86(2), PC(121), PC BaiMang...(2), PC-2212(1), Raspberry(1), RaspNXT(1), Rpi(1), RPi Solari...(1), SPARC(1), strawberry(1), Unknown(43), VPS(17), xrp.pw/nxt(1):
(4+66+1+1+12+2+43+17+1)x20W = 3kW
(2+6+1+1+121+2+1+1+1+1+1+1+1)x5W = 0.7kW
= 4kW
24(hours)x4(kW)x0.15/kWh = 14 USD