I need a little advice: How can we calculate a daily cost of Nxt web?
The power costs should be negligible, because even on the machines that are running NXT, only a miniscule fraction of CPU time is needed for NXT. I'd estimate less than 5W on average per "client" node and less than 20W per hallmarked public VPS node for energy. Other stuff is even more negligible, like the opportunity cost of not having as much RAM available with NXT running.
If every node provider using a VPS stated their monthly hosting costs, that would be a number with some significance.
Maybe also the network load figures.
so the maths look like:
donate(1), 22k(3), 22k.io(66), BEER(1), CentOS(2), FreeBSD(1), linux(6), NCC-1701-D(1), NCC-1864(1), nxt.now.im(12), nxt86(2), PC(121), PC BaiMang...(2), PC-2212(1), Raspberry(1), RaspNXT(1), Rpi(1), RPi Solari...(1), SPARC(1), strawberry(1), Unknown(43), VPS(17), xrp.pw/nxt(1):
(4+66+1+1+12+2+43+17+1)x20W = 3kW
(2+6+1+1+121+2+1+1+1+1+1+1+1)x5W = 0.7kW
= 4kW
24(hours)x4(kW)x0.15/kWh =
14 USD