Not everyone sends at least 1 NXT to himself to get a public key. Many don't know they should do it if they hadn't any outgoing transactions.
These are saving accounts. Saving-account-NXTs can always get into circulation again, any time. Like the ones with this special outgoing transaction. I think this would be misleading.
Weird centralized action, wouldn't it be? Who decides this?
Yes this is dangerous centralization. We can keep an eye on those accounts, sure but who are we to try and lock certain accounts at a whim. Chalk this on up to a learning lesson, fool us once.......
We are NXT community. If anybody wants to prevent these accts from being frozen, all they have to do is post here and we won't freeze it in the next release. If it is really darkNXT, then freezing it won't harm anybody except future NXT miners (not forgers, 64bit darkNXT miners). I can't imagine anybody being hurt by these accts being frozen, other than the thief(s).
If we can't just do it because it makes sense, then it is perfect for voting. I imagine freezing these accts wins by landslide.