Hey JL
I want to use ripple, I just want a clear price on buying and selling NXT. This 3way conversion is messing up my wine addled brain on a sunday morning.
Please help with a price calculation. thanks
Wow, BTC really spiked, its now $900+ on btc-e, this explains why the XRP price for BTC is now at 34500. Ripple has an ios app that shows the latest prices, its free on Apple store. You can also get fairly recent price from ripplecharts.com, select BTC from bitstamp, its the most active BTC issue.
Each XRP is worth the reciprocal of the BTC/XRP price. Usually going through BTC will add a lot of volatility to non-BTC to non-BTC pair. This is one advantage of trading NXT/XRP as the value of XRP usually tends to trade in a way similar to anything not BTC, but always exceptions especially in thin markets.
I didn't have time to explain all the intricacies of ripple and XRP issues during the src release when dgex was first down for hours and then comes back with horrible fees. I hope I did my part in convicing dgex owner to lower fees, if he really does lower them significantly.
On a dilution basis, one NXT should be worth 100XRP, since there are 100 billion XRP and 1 billion NXT. The fact that it is currently around 2.50, means there is a potential 40x gain to be made in NXT/XRP as the world finds out about NXT. The reason I have been pushing people to use Ripple, is that currently ripple is also still in beta release and the total daily volume of all ripple is LESS than NXT volumes.
What that means is that even if 10% of NXT trading moves to NXT, then it will instantly become one of the top issues in the ripple network. Since all of this trading is by NXT'ers, we will set the market price of NXT within ripple. Once the rest of ripple notices, and they certainly will notice the largest trading issue, that will be 50,000+ new people who will consider NXT. 50,000 people who have ripple accounts, people who tried out a proof of stake system with a bad reputation. 50,000 potential people that I can market to.
However, with the sparse market in NXT/XRP, it will be hard to get a lot of interest in it for other ripplers. In ripple-land, people are skeptical of NXT and I am doing what I can to correct their misconceptions.
So, please peoples, put aside your anti-ripple bias and move 10% of your trading to ripple via peercover. My offer to send anybody 30XRP to get started is still open. Just return it or NXT equivalent when you are setup.
Getting an alternate market to dgex that has high enough volumes and small enough spreads is a STRATEGIC issue. As such, I will keep harping on it. Do we really want to be in a position to be held hostage by dgex again.
For those who are waiting for asset exchange to make external exchange irrelevant, I think you will discover that I am right when I say, we still need exchanges after asset exchange is launched. It will take a while for the market to latch onto a trusted issuer and fragmentation of markets will also be an issue. Also, how are people who don't already have NXT supposed to get NXT in the first place? STRATEGIC value in high volume non-dgex exchange. Do we really want the only dgex alternative to be nxtchg.com? No offense to nxtchg.com owner, but my impression is that he is one guy hosted on VPS. Is it Ddos resistant like ripple servers distributed ledger? Last I heard nxtchg policy on any large lost NXT is to be eaten by the customer. I personally cannot recommend nxtchg (or dgex) to my potential clients who will be looking to purchase millions of NXT
If there was an active market for NXT on ripple, then I would be able to use that as a mechanism to sell large blocks of NXT to investors. peercover already has a working solution for this. All that I need is for there to be a bit more volumes and better spreads. 2.21 by 2.7 XRP is current spread, which is too big. Please help, all you have to do is trade 10% of your NXT using ripple. This will create enough of a buzz within ripple so that an audience of 50,000 can be marketed to. If 1% become active NXT'ers that will be 500 NXT traders on ripple. All new blood. Is this not a good thing for NXT?