Had to try and get a couple hours sleep.. Ok so I know I seem like small potatoes after someone says they lost more than me this morning...
But can someone please actually try and help instead of calling my loss...tricks or a bad pr scheme??
How am I this guy's big catch?..
Why hasn't he tried to get rid of the NXT from this account? wouldn't a hacker do that?
Is there anyway to stop this person from selling my NXT (that they stole from me the 7808 transaction) on Dgex.com? Put a block on it? Send it back to me!!?
Finally, I know this is decentralized.. so it would be difficult to have a two factor auth. system as some as suggested, but I can't emphasize enough
that I had a 35 Char totally random, Uppers, Lowers, #'s, entire keyboard etc. style pass, never put it out in the open (never went into my client except locally,
never used my PW somewhere else, mistakenly, etc..)
Believe me.. I'm trying to figure it out myself!..
I almost feel like this had something to do with a glitch or a fork in the blockchain? something, believe me.. I woulda slept a lot better had it just been something as simple as... "oh I put my PW out there, dumb of me".. but I really didn't and I can't figure out how it was taken..
In the end, i know it's gone and it was stolen, I know it's not much, but it was my entire lot, and I haven't sold
or given any coins to anyone, etc. only to another client of mine to get a 1 NXT confirmation etc.