Why can't the client deal with email verification, google authenticator or even cellphone SMS
Aren't all verifications just software that runs somewhere? Why can't that somewhere be the client?
The problem with using an authenticator, in their current forms, is that they rely on a centralized point -- google, a SMS gateway, whatever.
That, and it'd need multisig implemented.
Except the multisig, this is something that a NXT service provider could solve, I think. I imagine it would work like this:
A group of nodes would run a parallel blockchain for the NXT2SMS functions. These nodes would use transparent forging between themselves to maintain their N2S blockchain. When you need to send a SMS, you would pay a fee and have a payload as an arbitrary message on the main blockchain. The N2S nodes would notice the payload and decide who on their blockchain gets to collect the fee and transmit whatever is represented in the payload over SMS. The one who generates the SMS is also the one who does the other side of the multisig to release the funds.
There's lots of hand-waving in the above paragraph because I don't know exactly how the core NXT functions that this is build upon will operate as they're yet to be released, but it's the general idea.
The hardware for the SMS transmission is the simple part as that already exists as an off-the-shelf solution: a smartphone or, for the more hardware hacker oriented, a GSM/GPRS module and an Arduio/RPi/etc to interface to it.
I might have overlooked something, however.