I have a large account balance, and the other day I noticed a few separate transactions in my history where unknown users to me had sent 1 NXT amounts to my account. I hadn't noticed them before, as the only difference between a forged NXT and a sent NXT is the small icon next to the transaction number.
I suspect someone was experimenting with trying to identify the location of accounts with large balances on the network. I don't have much experience with these things, but I suspect there could be ways of analysing transaction logs and other data sources to try and determine the IP address, or identity/location of an open account.
My account number is one of the accounts on the block explorer page of top accounts, so I think someone was searching for the location & account status of big accounts.
Dont worry. It was me, who added your account to one of NXT faucet, as you seems too poor to fund activity of NXT supporters or too busy watching your balance growing.
Joke. Or not?
Dont take it personally. This is my message to all high volume shareholders.
Why don't you read what I said? I'm suggesting all large holders of NXT, like myself, pool a big wad of NXT together and donate ALL the forged NXT to community activities that further all out interests FOR MANY YEARS.
This is my message to the NXT community - read & think before you comment and act.
Rather than set myself up as a 'leader' of NXT on the basis that I got lucky and sent BcNext 1 bitcoin, I'm advocating trying to be smart about things. I can see there are much better people than me to co-ordinate the distribution of any contribution I can make. I can also see that donating to random people who ask is not the best way to go. Some of them might have big voices but small minds, and lack talent and good ideas. Some might be scam merchants.
I revealed myself as having a big stake - maybe that was unwise.
I'm suggesting that decisions on how to spend any donated NXT be made by the best and brightest in the NXT community - to avoid donating NXT to people who post negative comments without reading and thinking first.
I'm looking for a structure to support NXT for years, not a few random acts to the loudest voices.
I want to support smart people. Does your comment to my post about setting up a forging trust account suggest you are smart? I just offered to support the NXT community for many years, and you replied "as you seems too poor to fund activity of NXT supporters or too busy watching your balance growing" Then you make a joking reference about hacking my account to donate it to a NXT faucet, presumably because I'm not donating enough.
I'm not taking it personally (you don't know me), but I'm suggesting you need to consider your approach if you want my support . I expect that you would read and think before posting a reply.
Now I see your point, but I think that instead of forging with the big accounts, let others, with smaller Nxt stakes forge, and better donate couple of hunders k for bounties that will really help Nxt to succeed. Like bybitcoin is doing it.