Hello friends,
I have finally completed a
brand new profesionally looking
introducing video for the Nxt hompage. It took me 6 days and long nights (one day up to 7 AM), but finally here it is:
http://wideo.co/view/1504591387756502643-nxt-generation-of-cryptocurrencyIf you think the video deserves any bounties, donations or thank you gifts for my effort,
Then my Nxt is:
If you like the video and think it will help build a good reputation (some guys wrote that they didn’t believe in Nxt, but after they watched my previous video (
http://youtu.be/zALTChPsXhQ), they changed the opinion). It took me about 50-60 hours to create it during these holidays. Since I have no job I decided to help Nxt with marketing and I will continue. But now I would also probably pay for the download of HD version that I would upload on:
and many other sites
Then I would pay for deleting of the logo, if you think the video deserves to be used at our homepage (like Mastercoin or Bitcoin). Do not hesitate to comment video now, I can change or improve it before releasing it to the other platforms. There can still be changed logos if we choose another ones..
Then I will be promoting this video in at least 100 sites, in comments to other youtube videos, as I spent so much time making it, I will try to get as much attention as possible....
After a month of watching Nxt and trying to help the community I could insert to the video explanations of some myths and misinterpretations. I used my experience with other videos I had created before. Then I added my own research, when I used important comparations with Bitcoin… Thanks (big thanks) to
Ola I could provide a powerfull voice over, and with permission of
Psybits I used some of his sentences for the voice scenario, since I am from central Europe and I know english only thanks to TV Shows. Also I thank to
QBTC for providing current logos in HD.
Then I am planning to take care of the googledoc, put some organisation to the marketing departments... Since I can see tech section works fine here, we from the marketing must work hard too and help you build stronger community so you won’t need so much nodes
… It would be fantastic to have Wikia translated in 10 languages before 3rd January
And yes, my Czech version isn’t all translated yet, but soon it will be. Then I must finally write some blog posts about last week big things, but I was so stucked with the video
BTW we are still looking for: Indian translators, organizators and maybe english native correctors, since we have only 2. Maybe it will be enough. But all doors are always opened here:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgAGADgnQcrtdHRrV3V3Z1lzOXVEMWtqdElUaEtqV1E#gid=1this is really cool, donating...