You should post in the video that NxT's are going for 500,000% of what they sold for by the original democratically selected stakeholders. And then stress that in a month or two, you'd have to use Mega percents because that's how rocket fast this is growing!
it is a nice profit for that risk.
Yes, for $4,000 worth (21 BTC in October-Nov) of risk split between 73 people.
Easy to say for people on the other side, but for those who are looking to get in, you should have a little empathy.
How is some people making a profit in what is basically an IPO hurting people who didn't invest?
They didn't invest, so aren't losing something, nor are they forced to invest now.
If they choose to invest, that is their business and their choice.
I have a hard time figuring out what your point is other than in your opinion "it isn't fair".
There's been some talk about it over on, over "being fair".,1268.msg13596.html#msg13596You can have NOT a single issue with the pre-mined, 73 founders having the stake aspects, and still see it as a very greedy, self-destructing, unfair system. The forging allows the founders to essentially have a
no-loss system, about a 5% average of daily block rewards, (which they could just cash out daily in BTC if they wanted) in the range of 100-200K NXT for each 50 MIL holder, and still keep their majority stake of NXT in-tact to forge the same 5% the next day (based on my non-scientific observations of the blockchain over the last couple of days), while the rest of the "common folk", with less than say a million coins, will probably never forge, ever. As the forging code is currently written.
I proposed a small fix allowing the fees for each block to be split amongst all forgers big and small cats randomly, but it's just small fix and will probably not stop the bleed out when 99% of the non major stake holders realize they will be leaving their computers/clients running NXT for no reason. Not really the "cleanest" system as proposed huh?
This is all I'm gonna I'm going to speak on this, it is quite literally a waste of my time telling people to just look at the NXT blockchain to see the same conclusion anyone with common sense will find, then to be called a troll by founders and the developer.
What's that old saying..?
A lot of something is something
All of nothing is nothing.