This is why we MUST allow denominating AE trades in any other asset. USD, BTC, EUR, JPY, GLD, WTI, BCO, etc.
Does anybody really think that allowing trades to be denominated in USD (or BTC or ...) will do anything other than help NXT? It wont affect USD to any noticeable degree.
Bitcoin is our bitter enemy that has a HUGE head start and will destroy us if they can, possibly without even realizing or caring that they have.
Creating an NXT exchange and then just saying, "welcome to our nice shiny new exchange and go right ahead to price stuff in the BTC currency that is used by 90%+ of all transactions now instead of pricing them with our struggling-to-be-born NXT currency" just seems crazy and suicidal to me.
That is why we MUST allow denominating AE trades only in NXT (or maybe USD since THAT won't affect NXT (or help Bitcoin) to any noticeable degree).
Look at it this way. Let's start with NXT-only asset denomination and let it go for six months or a year or whatever. If it doesn't work, THEN open it up to BTC asset pricing.
You can always start with NXT only asset pricing and open up later to BTC/Doge/etc pricing LATER. You can NEVER go back to NXT only pricing if you START with open pricing of all PoW sh*tcoins, the howls of protest would be overwhelming and kill us.
Doesn't it make sense to initially at least TRY to run an exchange with ONLY the coin WE CREATED AND ARE TRYING TO BREATHE LIFE INTO?
P.S. If we end up helping BTC by .01% is that really such a bad thing? After all, how BTC goes, all crypto goes at least for the near future. Once we have billions of dollars of trading in NXT AE, then BTC wont matter much anyway.
It's gonna matter a lot when BTC pricing chokes out NXT pricing of assets as more and more Bitcoin users flock to our exchange and never make the switch to being NXT users for anything more than tiny exchange fees.
Have you seen the super giant volumes ripple is getting in their XRP markets? A whopping 20 BTC might trade all day in the bitstamp/XRP market. That is their biggest market. Assuming we can match that within NXT AE, how much will that impact things?
People trade pairs they are used to. For whatever reason it is what happens. Few alts trade in any volume against USD, even though most people have heard of USD. Everyone is used to trading crypto against BTC. Even with fiat vs fiat, people start trading a contract in one direction, eg AUDUSD and that is what 99% of the people trade, even though USDAUD is perfectly tradable.
Do you want to create a new market or provide a service to an existing market?
Do you know which one goes ten times (or more) faster?
Do you know which one is ten times (or more) less expensive?
Decentralized trading without a central exchange is something the market is ready for. Being goxed for however many millions has made this very clear. If you dont want 10% of crypto trading in NXT AE, just say so. How much trading is that? How much money would be flowing through NXT?
This is similar to the whole tax rates issue. A lot of people thing that the higher the tax rate, the more tax revenues will come in. This is true to a certain extent at certain ranges, but this does not mean a 99.9999% tax rate brings in the most revenue. In fact, historically the optimum level of taxation seems to be closer to 10%. Yes 10%. At that level, it isnt worth cheating on the taxes or spending money on lawyers and accountants. A surprisingly large amount of money is spent on lawyers and accountants to save percentage points on taxes. The bottom line is it is just a tax of a different form.
By making the tax cost very reasonable, basically nobody complains and economies grow as fast as possible. Now in a more mature economy, a higher rate probably makes sense, but if you make it too high, people cheat, lawyer up,or simply move.
What does this have to do with the issue at hand? I claim that forcing trades to go through NXT is just like a tax. There are two orderbooks, each with a bid/ask spread. Every single trade will cost more. Not only are you asking people to trade TWO new pairs that they are unfamiliar (uncomfortable) with, you are asking them to pay much higher spreads.
Bottomline, I predict doing this we will see whopping ripple level volumes other than what current NXT'ers trade BTC for. Notice it is the NXT/BTC pair that people will trade.Not because we force them to with AE, but because that is what they are used to trading
If you want NXT AE to be the place for people to buy Anon's silver and for some virtual companies and some cryto/NXT trading, then NXT AE wont become very big.
Aha! You sly devil. That is your plan so that the NXT 1.0 becomes the primary thing?
I dont understand why NXT 1.0 and NXT AE cant coexist. If you really just want a NXT coin, might I suggest nodecoin