I don't know why until now there exists no Wikipedia-Article about NXT in the main Wikipedias (English, German, Netherlands, Swedish, etc.)?
Besides our own wiki these are the simplest and I think the easiest possibilities for marketing! John Doe will search the internet for NXT if he heres the first time about it.
People in this thread may think that Wikipedia isn't a trustworth source (especially for financial decision), but for the normal guy in the neighborhood it is more suspicious if there is NO article about a unknown cryptocurrency in his native language at Wikipedia instead of there is JUST an article there
I hereby (I like this word, yeah) invite all of you to write an NXT-article in the main Wikipedias or just contribute a small piece of text (could be a improvement of a false info or a big chapter about a special function of NXT) there.
To set a good example I created in the last hours the structure of the german article (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nxt_(W%C3%A4hrung)) and filled some of the parts with information.
It is far away from being perfect and somebody should immediatly have a look about my lousy compilation, but it is a start!
I'm willing to create some infographics for the wiki-articles - please write me a PM with your ideas!
we had one but it was deleted b/c it "looked too much like advertising" so not sure how to make one that they would accept
1) is there a way to import the blockchain database from my previous installation so as not to have to re-download the whole thing? I tried replacing the nxt.h2.db file with a back-up of the one from my earlier installation, but it didn't work.
2) How do I safely stop the process when I want to shut down the client? I use the "sh run.sh" terminal command to start it, but don't know how to stop it.
you have to copy the whole nxt_db directory, not just the files in it. Use ctrl-c inside the console window and it will close itself down