Marketing NXT at TBC was a frustrating experience. Wed night late I went around and put the NXT brochure out on literally 1600 chairs in preparation for the next day. At noon on Thurs I went around and picked up the unused ones. We probably only had 100 or so that were kept. Of course the conference only had around 600 people, far less than expected. I have made arrangements to ship the rest out to NxtMinnow for San Francisco.
The exhibitor area was kind of a joke. Very few tables, very few people went through it. I was wrong to push for a separate NXT table earlier, it would have been a waste.
I was on the cryptocoin panel discussion which I think went very well. The video will be out in a few days and I'll post a link. There were maybe 30 guys in the audience and on a show of hands probably only 5 had even heard of NXT.
I made a lot of good contacts, including a writer for Bitcoin Magazine with whom I had a very long talk about NXT. He is going to write an article on us. This is probably the number one positive thing for NXT that has come out of the conference.
The interest in Etherium in the Bitcoin community is extremely strong. This is a trend to watch.
People want to hear confident leaders on a stage. People want to hear confident leaders on a stage. People want to hear confident leaders on a stage.
The thing that has surprised me most, the biggest insight of all, is how few people care about the technical side of Bitcoin. Over 95% of the people there view Bitcoin as a social/political phenomenon and wouldn't care if it were powered under the hood by three witches cackling around cauldron of witches' brew. Talking about the advantages of transparent forging over competitive mining or PoW vs. PoS or trusted gateways or pretty much anything we discuss in this forum is totally irrelevant to them and actually to the future of NXT.
We will only get the attention of the mass community of Bitcoiners if we come up with a marketing theme / campaign that engages people to adopt NXT. The will not adopt NXT because it is better or technically superior. They will only adopt NXT if it meets a need of theirs that Bitcoin does not already currently meet.
This is why Doge is so popular and is even surpassing Bitcoin in many ways. Doge meets a social need to feel connected to something warm and fuzzy that Bitcoin does not.
I am at a loss to figure out how NXT can pull off a similar viral meme feat. But we need to figure that out, fast.
Thanks Mr. James. Sounds like it went well....Baby steps
As far as Doge's warm and fuzzy meme and trying to replicate something similar..... We have a HULK!!! (AE)