@JL, CfB did you drop the 'numberOfUsers' field from the 'getState' request? It does not seem to appear there any more.. If not, what am I making wrong?
I dropped this field because it has nothing to do with the server state. It is very specific to the NRS client UI only and represents the number of its user sessions. But it does not reflect users using clients that connect through the http API, or through the Java API.
As for the status of testnet and holms.cloudapp.net, CfB should know, I don't work on that.
yes, if it was solely related to the NRS javasrcipt interface it does is not useful for oterh clients.
Regarding the ports, here is what I can piece together from the 'nxt-default.properties':
port 7874 is for communication of the NRS blockchain, and has nothing to do with UIs:#### PEER NETWORKING ####
# Announce my IP address/hostname to peers and allow them to share it with other peers.
# If disabled, peer networking servlet will not be started at all.
# Port for incoming peer to peer networking requests, if enabled.
port 7875 is the original javascript UI included in the nxt-client- distribution which you have to use with a browser:
# Enable the default NRS user interface.
# Hosts from which to allow NRS user interface requests, if enabled.
nxt.allowedUserHosts=; localhost; 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1;
# Port for NRS user interface server.
port 7876 is the one I have access with my 'requests' library:#### API SERVER ####
# Port for http/json API requests.
Because when I go '
http://localhost:7876' from localhost wth my client using 'POST', I get a proper response. Now the remaining piece of the puzzle is figure out how I get to remote hosts as in '
http://holms.cloudapp.net:6876/ I am a science programmer, not a web programmer so I'll have to catch up a bit, but I'll get there eventually