I think different Nxt-Assets from the same underlying Asset from different Gateways would be interesting. Different Gateways will naturally emerge, so we shouldn't fight it but instead maybe pave the way for proper implementations by providing guidance, papers, how-tos?
In simpler terms, you might think of trading different assets of the same underlying asset from different gateways like trading on different exchanges (New York, Frankfurt, Tokio, ...).
I know, this is not a 100% accurate analogy, but you get the point.
So the gateways would have to trust each other...?
For transaction processing clusters - which aka the 3 gateways are - normally there is an audit node which does not process any transactions but verifies the integrity of what the 3 nodes are doing.
As the nodes already verify each other then perhaps the audit node verifies the cluster of nodes as a whole to ensure as a system they are behaving properly - there could be the ability for external nodes to verify the operation of the cluster by reconciling all inputs/outputs.
The quality of what is bought/sold e.g. crap-subprime-derivative-coin i am not sure we can control nor shares from Scamscrypt.com
But would an external audit function should be able to highlight whether the 3 nodes are cheating?
This could be a service like 'coinmarketcap' e.g. NXTGateWayTrust.com publishing a 'trust' level for services based on the auditing of the many gateways that people publish to NXT, and people who are not open and allow this auditing to happen would not get a trust rating.
Yes I know then the operators of the Trust Audit System/Website could be compromised and must not run a gateway themselves, but we can never completely eliminate risk but we can reduce it by increasing the number of parties that have to be compromised in order to allow a fraud to take place and ensuring suspicious data that indicates a potential fraud is highlighted early to allow investigation.
Most financial TX platforms have a formal separate AML or Transaction Monitoring / Fraud system, NXT itself doesn't need this but maybe the gateway(s) can be monitored for suspicious patterns, as the data is public such transactions would simply be published as reasons why a trust level had reduced and this would be available for community inspection - this kind of TX visibility with send/receive addresses shown would deter a lot of people from trying things and hopefully would alert early to any innovative scams that were being perpetrated.