or else the entire crypto universe is dumping everything to buy NXT......its a f**king slaughterhouse on coinmarketcap.com, a sea of red, with NXT just about holdiing, BTC down 10% and falling.
Good move, BrianNowhere. 10% insta-loss.
Yeah, if time stood still. I'm not looking for a pump and dump, which is all Nxt is at this point. If you prove me wrong I'll buy more later. Right now, if Bter and DGEX go down I'd be stuck with these stupid Nxt, which as soon as people figure out what I already know, which is that is no less centralized than Ripple,way slower, and that the system won't even work if the Nxt become too equally distributed (which is the goal) and not enough of them run open clients (which they won't), they'll be rushing for the exits. . I can trade BTC anywhere any time.
I want to be in on the next big thing and ironically enough, Nxt isn't going to be it.