I didn´t mean you by the marketeer. I really appreaciate the work you put in Nxt, as well as I do with all the others that are doing anything to help Nxt get to the next level. I just wanted to point out, that this is not the way we should communicate with eachother on a PUBLIC forum.
You raise a valid point -- all sorts of people read this thread other than the usual suspects. We're a civil bunch, and friendly. We're open and inclusive. Want to join in? C'mon over here, we have some grunt work for you.
As someone holding less than Brian (7800 NXT), I don't agree with disparaging 12K NXT vs 12,000,000. Setting voting and forging issues aside, every user is important.
When someone comes here and paints the community with a broad brush multiple times and makes emotional responses (dumping) -- absolutely, I would tell someone face to face it's alarmist hysterics. Despite all the 'to da moon' goofery we toy with, NXT limping at 3¢ until 2016 doesn't diminish Nxt as a platform. If, to loosely quote Brian, NXT won't hit $1 or he'll be a monkey's uncle... we're not psychologists. I can't indoctrinate Brian or proselytize. There's no kool aid here to drink.
If you can't visit nxtforum.org and watch the progress in the sub forums, or read the newsletter, listen to Adam B. Levine and see value in the platform, then maybe XCP or Ripple or Ethereum or eMunie are a better fit.
Dissent? Bring it. It makes us stronger. Whether it's alias squatting or floating point or nodecoin, we can tackle the issues together and make a better platform.
If this community did nothing but mock emule (who, whether we admit it or not, is a fun person to have around), we wouldn't be here today.