Also treasures should not be member of the committees imo
Sigh. For the record, there's a difference between being a "treasurer" and being a "designated spending authority".
James / jl777 is the sole "
designated spending authority" for NXTcommunityfund and NXTcashfunds, which are run by him as an individual with no committee structure. He is like Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy all rolled up into one, he can give those funds out as he sees fit to anybody he feels is helping NXT. He gets to do this because NXTcommunityfund and NXTcashfunds are private funds set up by neer.g and Pouncer as a private deal with James. Anybody contributing to these funds (and contributions are encouraged!) does so with the understanding that James is the ultimate designated spending authority from the original private deal that set up these funds.
I am a
treasurer of NXTcommunityfund and NXTcashfunds. I have the password to those funds and nobody else does. I COULD spend this NXT, but I have NO authority to do so. I only spend exactly what James tells me to do exactly as he says, no more, no less. Public access to the blockchain and audit spreadsheets is the check and balance on ME and how the community keeps me honest.
Now, James can't just spend these funds on HIMSELF with no oversight. If James designates funds to be sent to HIM instead of SOMEBODY ELSE, then I have to clear it with neer.g or Pouncer first. That is the check and balance on this huge power James has. He doesn't have the password to the money, and somebody else has to give him permission to spend it on his own projects.
So, a "treasurer" has no real power except the power of trust and honesty. They exist only as a check-and-balance against the "designated spending authority" going nuts and running off with all the NXT. And the first thing an elected fund committee is going to have to do is decide which ONE of their members is going to be the "designated spending authority" that signs the orders that goes to the treasurers.
Now, I'm going to run for a seat on the infrastructure committee because I am a hardware guy, not a coder, and setting up a worldwide network to support NXT at 1000 TPS looks like a really interesting challenge to me. I am going to run for this position even tho I am a treasurer on other funds. I don't think there's a problem with that. If that bothers people after reading the explanation above, then they can vote against me and I won't get in.
And I'll accept that if it happens. We'll see.