NXT FUND SPENDING COMMITEE MEMBERSHIP SELECTION UPDATESince I'm the guy that slammed on the brakes back on page 1854 about no spending from the new NXT community funds until fund committees get organized, and since everybody generally seems to think that was an OK move, I feel the responsibility to try and get the ball rolling again on committee organization. Here we go.
To organize a small group of people to spend big piles of money, there has to be a
legitimate, transparent process to give them that power.
The legitimate, transparent process we have gone through in this NXT community is that we have made the funding committee positions open to everyone.
utopianfuture on Feb 2 started a funding committee nomination thread, almost three weeks ago:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/nxt-community-nominations-to-the-funding-comittee-445209rickyjames on Feb 7-8 summarized the nominations made to that date in an identical post placed at four different forum locations:
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=345619.msg5007861;topicseen#msg5007861https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.5007872https://nextcoin.org/index.php/topic,3890.msg36822.html#msg36822https://forums.nxtcrypto.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=753&p=3579&hilit=rickyjames#p3579Each of these posts ended with:
NXT continues to develop at an incredible pace. If you've read this far, it's because you care about NXT. Consider applying for a committee seat to help take it further.
NXT Community Nominations To The Funding Committee (NCNTTFC) thread :
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/nxt-community-nominations-to-the-funding-comittee-445209 ***************************
The only further new nominations at all forum sites made as a result of these posts were:
drevil was nominated for TechDev by gs02xzz
hughmanwho and SecondLeo were nominated for the infrastructure committee by hughmanwho
Come-from-Beyond on Feb 9 accepted Pouncer, klee and neer.g as treasurers of techdev, infrastructure and marketing funds respectively, and the 8,714,025 unclaimed NXT from the genesis block under his control was split equally among their assigned funds. Treasurers have NO authority to make spending decisions. Their role is to be a bank vault and only let money out when it is authorized by a "designated spending authority" - in this case, a SINGLE spokesperson from an elected committee, to be chosen by that committee once it is elected.
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.5032217https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.5040620Audit spreadsheets of NXT Fund assets are now permanently available , with the spreadsheet layout still being optimized at:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoE8nAOEMIa7dFFnWjRNYTM4RkhsN3dRRXFBaTBiaHc#gid=14 ,
Pinarello on Feb 18 picked up efforts to elect spending committee members by opening a spreadsheet for expressions of interest by people actually willing to serve (instead of just being nominated by others):
the post:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.5220880the spreadsheet:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsrKGhOkVcFpdFRFeHNUdWx3Qy1nTjBPLUFNWUJKQkE&usp=sharing#gid=0At the time of this writing, the only new names on this volunteer spreadsheet that have not been previously nominated as described above are:
^[GS]^, abuelau, Arckam (frmelin), bloodyrookie, Chanc3r, ChuckOne, CIYAM, Cointropolis_JustabitTime, Fry, Mario123, Pandaisftw, Ricot, TwinWinNerD, Zahlen, ZeroTheGreat
55 nominees were picked after the three week nomination process described above, conducted over all three major NXT forum sites, allowing both self-nominations and nominations by others:
^[GS]^, 2Kool4Skewl, abuelau, Allwelder , Anon136, Arckam_(frmelin), bitcoinpaul, bloodyrookie, brooklynbtc, buybitcoinscanada,
Chanc3r, ChuckOne, CIYAM, Cointropolis_JustabitTime, Come_from_Beyond, Damelon, Davetrouser, drevil, EmoneyRu, EvilDave,
ferment, Fry, hughmanwho, Jean_Luc, jefdiesel, jl777, Joefox, Klee, l8orre, landomata,
laowai80, Mario123, msin, mww, nexetrn, Nifty_Nickel, opticalcarrier, Pandaisftw, Passion_ltc, PeercoinEnthusiast,
pinarello, Pouncer, rickyjames, Ricot, salsacz, SecondLeo, smaragda, TaiZen, TwinWinNerD, Uniqueorn,
Utopianfuture, VanBreuk, Wesleyh, Zahlen, ZeroTheGreatBy the power vested in me from being full of hot air and having a big mouth, I hereby declare the period for accepting NXT Funding Committee nominations to be over.Anybody that has a problem with that, quote just the red line above and give it a -1. God help us if that happens.
Since I've still got some hot air left and I still have a big mouth:
We're gonna do a week of campaigning, and we're gonna have a one week long vote starting March 1.Anybody that has a problem with that, quote just the red line above and give it a -1. God help us if that happens.
Campaigning is gonna work like this. I've opened up a new thread, NXT Funding Committee Nominee Statements:
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=479167.new#newIf you are a nominee listed above, and you want to serve on ONE AND ONLY ONE of the NXTmarketingfund, NXTtechdevfund and NXTinfrastructure fund spending committees, go post your willingness to serve on this thread. State the committee you want to be on, and make a statement if you want about why you think you would be a good member for that committee.
If you are not willing or able to make one single post on this thread, you probably aren't good committee material. Just sayin'.
I will PM links to this post to all nominees at all sites and will repost it at the other two forums.
I have set up polls on whether each committee should have 5 or 7 members. Go vote.
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/nxtmarketing-committee-membership-level-479190https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=479200.new#newhttps://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=479214.new#newI will set up three more polls for declared candidates on March 1 and repost everywhere calling for a vote for the agreed upon number of committee members for that committee.
Yes, I'm being a dictator here. Sorry about that. At least I am a dictator with a suggestion box, speak up if you've got a problem or an idea.
And I'm a dictator that's gonna step down on March 7, the day after I get back from representing NXT at Texas Bitcoin Conference.
on March 7, there WILL be elected committees. (I hope).