8 projects waiting for approval in infrastructure committee:
2 projects waiting for approval in marketing fund committee (salsazc please look for double entry with your administered fund)
please go discuss and vote.
thank you
update committee boards:
NXTinfrastructure board: 9 projects ----> 1 validated, 7 non objected, 1 objected
If no objection by tommorrow first project "payment modules for the main open source ecommerce and CMS systems" project leader Damelon, will receive 50K from the infrastructure unclaimed coins fund.
Any objections can be formulated here: https://forums.nxtcrypto.org/viewtopic.php?f=54&t=806&start=20
NXTmarketingfund: 3 projects------> 2 non objected, 1 objected
NXTtechfund: 1 project------> more info required
Pin asked me about thuis.
The project means paying for one person to do coding for about a month and one person running a dedicated server for a longer time.
I was going tot contact you about this already.
I was happy this was also possible, and was hoping to get total to 100,000 nxt.
That way they would get ~ 2000 EUR in fiat each, which is a more normal sum, for developing multiple modules.
I hope this is possible. If not, I'll understand, of course.
I hope Pin will confirm we had this discussion in PM.
BTW, I didn't tell my dev this. This was my decision. Just want to take care of the people I ask