version 0.0.5 [code name] AE testnet
* this version solely works with testnet server
* Asset Exchange window has major features
* Windows users unzip the archive and run Clienxt.jar file
* Linux users unzip the archive and run in terminal ./ &
* Mac users unzip the archive and run in terminal ./ & (not tested, working on creating *.app file or *.pkg installer)
* Languages English, Russian only Asset Exchange window translations are missing.
NB: don't use your own accounts on "testnet"
click Unlock button to open new or existing accounts on "testnet" (unlock and watch if you have more accounts)
go to Asset Exchange window and start Tra
Please report bugs or feature request here:
Once client is tested, we can use it tomorrow without an issue!
Translators are very much welcome! The more languages we have the more people test Asset Exchange tomorrow.
Translators can find word list in Bundle.Properties (everything right side of "=" needs translation) here:
If you like my work, donate nxt 13792774143018875909 and thank you very much for all supports.
Cannot set the amount of fees. If I sent 10.000 NXTs I would rather give more fees.
Guys, I was out... now working on bugs...
Fee is 1000 which is default fee 1+999 that can be set from preferences. So if you want to pay more fees increase default fee higher than 1
Also there is a lag on testnet i have noticed before, transactions get confirmation rather slow. "Not enough funds" or other messages possibly from that lag, give it some time.
Also client access server and internet connection matters that's the reason progress bar was added to show task percentage.
Please keep reporting if you get bugs in above link.
Thanks to gmoneycoin for donation!