Total: Fee earned 701996 NXT
6483973064837388393 has mined 163299 NXT.
The 2nd is 4747512364439223888 with 101830 NXT.
In the table below is the top "miners" and their cumulative NXT amount and cumulative percentages.
In the forum was yesterday a nxt balance distribution: top100 has 82.7%
In mining/forging the distribution is worse: 4 accounts have mined 56.7%, 28 accounts have mined 90%, and 98 accounts 99% and 400 accounts 100%.
Fee Earned % TOP accounts
cumulative cumul.
163163 23.2 6483973064837388393
253458 36.1 4747512364439223888
334469 47.6 12692935506199079028
398066 56.7 9433259657262176905
433008 61.7 2159498187382012684
458350 65.3 2584657662098653454
480373 68.4
501797 71.5
516684 73.6
528616 75.3
540357 77.0
551740 78.6
562741 80.2
571905 81.5
579116 82.5
585703 83.4
591579 84.3
597233 85.1
602481 85.8
606923 86.5
610916 87.0
614900 87.6
618815 88.2
622026 88.6
625180 89.1
628267 89.5
631337 89.9
634377 90.4
Is that 6483973064837388393 some special account?
it has had at maximum ~ 3 Million NXT, but it has earned fees almost double than those 50 Million's accounts.
So far are two empty blocks, yesterday.
Please stop begging for centralization. -.-