Hey CfB - I get an error when I try to transferAsset on the AE. This has worked before , so maybe i'm just tired,
NRS seems to not like the 'deadline', and I have tried both string and int from my gui client.
This comes for 'int' and 'str' as deadline ?!?! wtf?
{'errorDescription': 'Incorrect "deadline"java.lang.NumberFormatException: Zero length BigInteger', 'errorCode': 4}
{'deadline': '10', 'asset': '14269709746849295412', 'fee': '1', 'secretPhrase': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'referencedTransaction': '', 'requestType': 'transferAsset', 'quantity': 1000000, 'recipient': '1738404304940813414'}
{'secretPhrase': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'requestType': 'transferAsset', 'quantity': 1000000, 'asset': '14269709746849295412', 'referencedTransaction': '', 'deadline': 10, 'recipient': '1738404304940813414', 'fee': '1'}
What is the request?