By the way, the community has made it loud and clear that it does NOT want my ideas unless I have a totally vetted and complete solution. Since I was posting ideas to help get them vetted and complete, that means I do not see how I can directly help the NXT community at this point. It seems there is no perceived value in coming up with ideas, even ones that allow us to compete effectively with etherium, and no perceived value in being a project manager.
I put so much time and effort into NXT, it is disappointing to be rejected like this. How would you feel if your ideas were compared to a Ddos attack and then that was +1 many times?? Sorry but I am not Dr Evil, I am not smart enough to solve the tech issues on my own. THAT is why I posted my unfinished ideas, to get help. Anybody can say it is impossible forget about it. I was hoping someone would say maybe there was a way to reduce the problem to a simpler form.
Anyway, I dont want to overstay my welcome so I will limit myself to a most one post per day. I hope that wont be too much of a bother for people to read. i will continue administering the NXTcommunityfund. Once the three committees are fully up and running and if the main funders of the NXTcommunityfund want me to, I will disburse the NXTcommunityfund (minus some amount for rainy day fund) to the three committees or hand over trusteeship to whomever they choose. I dont want anybody to feel like I have so much centralized power that I might actually hurt NXT.
If anybody has actually started on any NXTcommunityfund bounties, let me know. I know of only the tipbot project and acceptance of NXT on websites project. Unless somebody posts that they are actively working on any of the other bounties, I think that it is best that they all be canceled. Wouldnt want to distract anybody from doing things that are actually important by working on my bounties that everybody feels is worthless.
Oh, rickyjames, please pay Zahlen and salsacz 500 NXT. I believe that concludes any current pending NXTcommunityfund business.
I have to pay my bills and at this point I have to either work on my ideas by myself since nobody will constructively help me or accept some external projects that I have been offered.
Edit: I hope people here will think I at least did some good by helping getting the unclaimed NXT released to the three committees. I feel that was a big positive, but then again I am probably wrong about that too.
As treasurer of the NXTcommunityfund, I will disburse 1000 NXT per your directions above.
James, buddy, listen to me. Nobody here is your adversary or enemy. You are obviously a very smart guy. Every single one of the ideas you have presented has great merit. You were given sole control of the NXTcommunityfund because several people believe in you and your ideas and still do. You are held in great esteem by everybody in this thread.
But this thread is a crazy roller coaster ride. It strains everybody's abilities just to hang on for the ride. We all do it because if something interesting about NXT is going to pop up, it's probably going to pop up here first. But it takes everybody's personal mental bandwidth just to process these posts.
You are so prolific that we just can't keep up with you in this kind of an environment. Other, more appropriate environments elsewhere have been suggested where we CAN keep up. Before you bail out on us and NXT, PLEASE try them.
Everybody has a bad day/week/longer sometimes where things don't go their way and the path ahead looks bleak. If it's your time in the barrel for that, don't make a huge swing of the pendulum to "limiting yourself to at most one post daily". Go with the flow and try to adapt. Talk about one of your ideas and keep talking about it. See how far you can go with it. Nobody here is expecting you to solve all NXT's problems tomorrow all by yourself. Don't expect that of yourself either.
Relax. Don't panic. Stay calm and carry on.