Who would like to speak at the http://www.cryptocurrencyconvention.com/ in New York?
I've missed the past few days. Did we get anyone lined up for these?
For the LTB show, we'll need someone who can speak passionately about Nxt, the community, and the Future! (Perhaps two people would make for a more interesting interview. Joefox and one of the devs, for example?)
My apologies if this has all been decided and I didn't notice.
you guys can imagine what my performance would be like from the interview with tai zen. idk if thats the sort of thing you are looking for. i dont think it was passionate per say.
The main thread moves too quickly for me to keep up with, but it seems every time this comes up it gets lost amidst all the other conversations. These two opportunities need to be decided on soon.
For the Let's Talk Bitcoin podcast, I suggest we ask joefox and anon136 to work together with Adam on getting this to happen. If they want someone who is more involved with the development to join one of them in the interview, then it's probably best for them to ask someone directly rather than waiting for one of the devs to volunteer.
I think it would be a good move to have joefox involved in the interview, because it'll lend weight to his "News On Nxt" updates as well as give him an opportunity to talk about his planned Nxt podcast.
For the New York speaker, I have no suggestions, but it seems like an opportunity we shouldn't pass up, since they're actually looking for someone to talk about Nxt.
If it's possible to team up with someone you feel comfortable with and who feels more at home talking to a live audience, I would say do that.
You could go with joefox for instance if he wants. He could fill in the gaps (he's an actor, so should be able to spot when you get "stuck" and get the ball rolling again).
You have a very good talent for translating the things that look obcure on paper to examples people can grasp. I liked your explanation of TF very much.
I would very much like you to consider doing it and I think you underestimate your presentation!
Also: working in a duo with someone you feel at home with is much more fun.