That's enough right there to show its a scam.
Since your taking back to the oldschool again, here is a post from a year ago..
Probably the worst.
Java is considered bad by many developers. Java is trying to install a shitty toolbar every time you install it or update and it is so insecure.
No open source programmer would ever use it.
Many people don't like Java and they will never add it (I believe it's why mcxnow never added it because it's JAVA client).
C/C++ are languages of choice of the industry. A C++ client should be developped to become something “professional and credible”.
This quote above shows a basic lack of understanding from someone who has never been a programmer. Java is a programming language. It's Oracle's applet (a web browser plugin) that has security issues. It's much easier to write secure software in Java than in C. There is also OPenJDK which is free and open source.
Java remains the most popular programming language for server side. If you have ever used Amazon and Ebay, the server side was run by Java. Almost all banks use Java on server side. So you already use Java as a client everyday.
NRS is a server application (it's not a web browser applet with security problems). The client side can be written in any programming language.
You said the same when you were Eamorr more recently Welcome back TS!!