less likely with nem due to the coins being spread out more, I for-see the marketing of NEM to be like doge this will help greatly for the value of this coin and get more people to invest in it
Keep dreaming.
You talk as if the NEM market will exist in isolation just because it's 'well distributed'.
For a start, it isn't well distributed. There are 7 billion people in the world and 3000 of them are going to be stakeholders. You've just picked a totally arbitrary number to decide what is "good distribution" and what isn't. These markets are a golfish bowl floating in an Ocean the size of the Atlantic when you place them in a global context. The biggest market cap any of them can hope for in the short term is a few tens of millions which is loose change down the back of the couch to many interested parties that might take the inclination to scoop up half the money supply for their daughter's wedding present.
You don't need to be an "original stakeholder" to be able to manipulate a market. In fact it probably helps if you aren't because then you've got nothing to loose.
That comparison to Earth population starts being quite funny, when trying to determine the optimal distribution
I'm remembering that first it was used against the "fairness". In that task it works better, but not well enough.
Ofc a good distribution can be determined. There is a method, but we do not know it. So, even you can't say "it isn't well distributed".
If only one owns all the coins, it is some kind of distribution.
After some time has passed, there will be X owners.
Maybe a good distribution is such that the number of coin owners X increases with a certain speed S (delta(X)/time). X and S need to be such that the coin "lives" = people are interested in it + it has quite stabile value (or at least not -10% in every week) + ...
That is one "theory" - or someone may say bull...
But if returned back to NXT vs NEM distribution, there are only guesses about how well NEM's distibution will progress. Time will show.
If making an assumption, then it is easy to say that a better distribution is reached, when X is greater, coz then it has more 'connections' to transfer the coins. Time will show. For NEM.
For NXT that could have been already calculated - and could have been produced a bit better figures than those infographs as there already exist a lot of data
if S
NXT could be calculated eg. for every week, and the most of the NXT owners are satisfied with the distribution, then we can determine a 'good distribution', and that can be an example to all the coins