My idea: why do not we start a WorldCommunityGrid (WCG) Byteball team. For calculating small tasks, participants receive WCG points automatically. Via a Byteball bot, members can connect their Byteball address with their WCG username, and then receive free bytes from the bot - say, once a week - depending on the amount of WCG points earned. WCG provides a simple API with which the data can be read into the Byteball DAG via an oracle.
why we should give away gbytes to someone that don't ask it for. They won't value it. And they will sell right the moment you give them. That what happened to bitcoin holder.
Many people here complaied about the moon cancelation give away gbyte. And I think they are right. They are asking for it and they will valued, it is like interest payment.
The idea is to incentivize users to use the idle computing power of their computers for what appear to be good causes, by giving them bytes. As I see it, they are asking for it by registering and making their computer resources available.
Don't forget that Bitcoin holders were actually the first ones to get the bytes (for free).
Given the behavior of the market during the distribution period, the distributed amount was actually never enough of an incentive to hold. At each round, the price always dropped more than the percentage that was distributed.
There seems to be no
right method of distribution, let's just give these new methods a shot.
I could be wrong or right, so do you. But this is not way to make decision. Tony may have the power on his hand to distribute the way he thinks, but he shouldn't. We here have the best interest to make byteball succed.
There must be away where all byteball community participate on the decition making by voting for certain proporsal.
We don't have nothing to do mining or fake researches, or promizes.
I would sponsor sport event, where our product have been used. Give the byteball to football team winner through smart contrant. Do something related to us.
Give free insurance to flight delay as an offer.
On the binnary balls, subsidise the whole winner, like instead of paying 89 % pay 100 % of winning predition as an offer for some time, until the market get some traction.
Just focus, and sponsor something related to us.
My respect to Tony and his team.