A Call for Calm, Rationality & Honest Reflection by All Byteballers
With a goal of building a Strong & Vibrant Community in Spite of this recent PR setback.
I Invite all of you to put aside past issues and try to see things with a fresh perspective.
Let's have a Reset...
Dear Fellow Byteballers,
my apologies this post is so long but there is a lot I'd like to cover.
Most Importantly this:
We, the Community must find a way to get on the same page about some core issues
if we are ever to see a long term future for ByteBall. Which surely is what we all want.
Long term survival is the Supreme Mission ...
We Simply Must stop Fighting Among Ourselves about Issues of No Real Importance.
"A house divided against itself cannot stand"
ByteBall cannot succeed without Community. End of Story. Does EVERYONE get it?
That was a truly great post, which I am endorsing 100%. Any Byteballer who didn't read it yet is able to access and read the whole article at the following link: