1004797 BTC

and we have 365,903gb in circulation which will bring : 73,180 gb more after airdrop
365,903+73,180+61386= 501,882 Gb in total in circulation after give away.
That's 50% of all gbytes.

Yes i think in this rate we will have 3 more airdrops.
131.94375 MBB for each 1 BTC of linked balance and 0.42222 new Bbyte for each 1 byte you already hold (on linked addresses only).
Scheduled: August 7, 2017 at 18:10 UTC
Time left: 2 Days 7h
1/08/17 9:12am
1/08/17 8.48pm
2/08/17 7:56am
2/08/17 7:03pm
3/08/17 10:29am
3/08/17 8:20pm
4/08/17 11:15am
4/08/17 6:25pm
*Informations in this post is not official from DEV or Byteball team. Its pure speculation