
Topic: Obyte: Totally new consensus algorithm + private untraceable payments - page 533. (Read 1234315 times)

Activity: 2324
Merit: 1039


1004797 BTC llinked  which will bring approx. : 62,799 gb

and we have 365,903gb in circulation which will bring : 73,180 gb more after airdrop


 365,903+73,180+61386= 501,882 Gb in total in circulation after give away.

That's 50% of all gbytes.

Yes i think in this rate we will have 3 more airdrops

Distribution :   0.0625 Gb for each 1 BTC of linked balance and 0.2 new byte for each 1 byte you already hold.
                        131.94375 MBB for each 1 BTC of linked balance and 0.42222 new Bbyte for each 1 byte you already hold (on linked addresses only).

Scheduled:   August 7, 2017 at 18:10 UTC

Time left:          2 Days 7h

Previous Updates:
1/08/17 9:12am
1/08/17 8.48pm
2/08/17 7:56am
2/08/17 7:03pm
3/08/17 10:29am
3/08/17 8:20pm
4/08/17 11:15am
4/08/17 6:25pm

*Informations in this post is not official from DEV or Byteball team. Its pure speculation
hero member
Activity: 1540
Merit: 502
there so many times update of this wallet , is littlebit annoying  Lips sealed, everytime when i open the wallet ( once in 2 or 3 weeks) , its asking for update ( this is the 10 time )

hero member
Activity: 1162
Merit: 568
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 260
snapshot is 7th ?  I thought 9th before.  Huh Huh
We are in the 8th round the question is whether still one or 2 round follow.
Status Quo ( at 10 o'clock UTC: 1004789 BTC linked
A growth of 300000 BTC per round is the limit at which there will be a 10th
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 260
I have a problem witch my client its always saying "syncing...28 private  payments left"

this does not go away
i reinstalled the client already (removed the app data folder before) and  imported the full backup after installation.
it wont seem to help, anyone else an idea?
In my experience: Synchronizing blackbytes can take a long time. I run 2 low budget Android devices and a powerful Windows machine (2 of 3 Multidevice Wallet).
Mobile, weak Android machines obviously have problems. They enter the energy saving mode while the synchronization is still running. Then the process obviously remains.

28 private payment left can take 30 minutes and more synchronization time on a smartphone. If you need to move larger volumes, transfer smaller amounts (several times).

I have no idea about the technical background. I also do not know whether the problem generally occurs.
The time of the Blackbytes has not yet come. I think Tony will optimize that if his priorities list allows this.
Byteball is today 5360 hours old, you can not expect to keep the finished product in the hands. Being an early adopter is also a kind of proof of work..
(maybe )related post to this problem:
Activity: 1316
Merit: 1000
Si vis pacem, para bellum
How did I not find out about Bytebal earlier...

The website looks amazing, the software seems to work without a glitch... and it was free.

Where can I see the scaling roadmap though?

Agreed, would also like to see people talk about something other than  how to claim the airdrops non stop
It gets a bit boring
hero member
Activity: 700
Merit: 500
snapshot is 7th ?  I thought 9th before.  Huh Huh
full member
Activity: 476
Merit: 100
How did I not find out about Bytebal earlier...

The website looks amazing, the software seems to work without a glitch... and it was free.

Where can I see the scaling roadmap though?
full member
Activity: 346
Merit: 107
I have a problem witch my client its always saying "syncing...28 private  payments left"

this does not go away

i reinstalled the client already (removed the app data folder before) and  imported the full backup after installation.

it wont seem to help, anyone else an idea?

It happens also to me sometimes, I don't know why. The wallet stays fully fonctionnal though.
Activity: 35
Merit: 0
I have a problem witch my client its always saying "syncing...28 private  payments left"

this does not go away

i reinstalled the client already (removed the app data folder before) and  imported the full backup after installation.

it wont seem to help, anyone else an idea?
sr. member
Activity: 1015
Merit: 289
Time ago a news surfaced about the fact that starting from September the airdrop rules may change to prepare for a soft landing... someone is recalling the details?
Activity: 112
Merit: 10
I say Hello :)
Regrettably, despite the project itself is attractive, Airdrop alone has taken its own steps.
Of course, Airdrop in August will also participate, but I would like more people to use Byteball.
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 260
hero member
Activity: 980
Merit: 500
I saw at twitter that in next distribution which is scheduled on Monday everyone will get 20% extra as bonus. Just because of curiosity it there any significant event or importance of this distribution that is offering extra bonus ? I am ready to catch 4th distribution in a row.
full member
Activity: 209
Merit: 100
This is one of the best airdrop concepts out there... I enjoy getting the free byte and blackbytes each airdrop.  Hopefully there are a few more left.
Well no sh!t Sherlock. Who doesn't like free money? Things couldn't be better at the moment. Got BTC for these Byteball airdrops, got BTC from the Lumen airdrop, got BTC from the Bitcoin Cash fork and to top it all off BTC has hit a new ATH!
These are great times my fellow crypto buddies.

I know it's freaking awesome right?

I'm generally conflicted with the desire not to sell BTC, and the desire to get fiat to spend - with all these free airdrops I don't have to make a choice:)
Activity: 1596
Merit: 1021

I have the same. But there are too many linked bitcoin now. So there are just 3 more left.
i'm pretty sure that rules are going to be changed right after next distributon and we'll see more than 3 distribution rounds with less percentage for bitcoin wallets

wont change much. majority of distributed byteballs comes from byteball wallets. its compounding each time do the math on it
full member
Activity: 171
Merit: 100

I have the same. But there are too many linked bitcoin now. So there are just 3 more left.
i'm pretty sure that rules are going to be changed right after next distributon and we'll see more than 3 distribution rounds with less percentage for bitcoin wallets
Activity: 1596
Merit: 1021
anyone know how long before transition bot going to sleep again?
sr. member
Activity: 1372
Merit: 261
This is one of the best airdrop concepts out there... I enjoy getting the free byte and blackbytes each airdrop.  Hopefully there are a few more left.

I have the same. But there are too many linked bitcoin now. So there are just 3 more left.
full member
Activity: 346
Merit: 107
-If I use signatures to register for the snapshot, and after distribution move some or all of the bitcoin from my wallet to an exchange for trading and then want to participate in the next airdrop distribution with the same address do I have to register again? I'd withdraw BTC from the wallet then before next full moon withdraw from the exchange to the same address I registered with byteball for this upcoming snapshot, the coins would just be moved out and back in again. Would the address still be part of the snapshot or do I need to register for the second airdrop like the first?
-If my BTC balance increases for the second airdrop would that mean I'd earn more bytecoin or is it based on the balance of the first airdrop I participated in?
-I plan to leave my byteball in the wallet after the airdrop, do the extra coins earned from the byteball balance affect the amount earned from the Bitcoin balance? Or do you earn both extra byteball by having a byteball balance and the airdrop based on BTC in the registered address and amounts are independent of each other.

- Your linked addresses are valid for all airdrops.
- Your BTC balance is read during the snapshot taken for each airdrop.
- Amounts are independent from each other.

The most important thing before airdrop is to check if all your bytes are on the linked address (they could have been moved to a change address), just send anything to the transition bot and it will remind you the balances for your linked addresses.
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