Some events happened last week, that have forced us to make a decision to go out of business. A lot of issues compounded to press us to do this. The failure of the Klondike project was one. Chase, our bank, shut down our accounts. Also the delay in the shipment of the chips has resulted in a lot of customers asking for refund. We already owe a lot of money to PayPal, and with all the refund requests, it is impossible for us to continue our operation profitably. So we have decided to dissolve the company.
We are going to ask for a refund from Yifu. As soon as we get a refund from him, we will start refunding all the orders. We will be able to refund about 50% of every order with this amount. We are trying to get our money out of Chase, which will help us refund another ~5% of each order. We are trying to return as many components as we can, and as soon as we get more money back, we will send additional pro-rated payments to each order.
Once we get a refund from Yifu, we will be sending an email to everyone asking for a current Bitcoin address where to send the payments.
Thank you for at least coming on here and letting us know.
It has been stated multiple times that the community understands how much Yifu has screwed us over and there are other group buys that couldn't give back 100% as well, but that didn't stop them from communicating.
Please keep us up to date with Time frames.
Thank you.
Initially i thought bargraphics is just a moron, but it should be obvious by now he is nothing but a
shill for TH. Just look at the timing of those posts and what is said:
1) Up until 2 weeks ago, Bargraphics defends TH like a whore on nickel night, trying to convince everyone not to file for chargeback/refund and insults anyone with a different opinion. He is also the first order in line.
2) Once the public opinion completely turned against TH - all the talks of lawsuits started, Bargraphics did a 180 and decided to lead the charge try to get everyone who wants to file lawsuit
3) Finally when he dug himself a hole so deep he cant get out anymore, terrahash mysteriously appears after weeks of silence to post this 50% refund bullshit, and bargraphics happily agrees to wait again, holding up everyone who he managed to get who wants to file the suit...
4) In regards to TH, it is nothing but fraud (criminal), they did not spend 50% of your money on "equipments" etc.. the only thing they spent on was the avalon chip orders and that's just a drop in the bucket compared to the money they received from the orders. Oh yeah, TH also got a few steel cases, handful of half working boards and some resistors. It's flat out fraud and stealing, anyone who is stupid enough not to see this is blind.
As I said before, the only thing this little shit bargraphics will accomplish for you is wasting your time and money. But it's pretty clear this is his goal all along since day 1.
If you are serious about getting your money back file in small claim it's much more efficient and faster for anything <$10k. For international buyers, unfortunately you do need to hire an attorney.