@lottery, why can't you offer your account as a collateral? AFAIK you are not enrolled in any sig camp that would help you make that amount back, along with that you also have a negative feedback which makes you a shady person to loan without any collateral.
ik, someone owe my money so I cannot offer the account as collateral, plus this is my only one account.
I don't wanna setup another one, sorry.
I have no reason to run-off the money I owed, you know.
So you mean you have someone who owes you money, on the account name lottery248? Simply contact them and say you are offering your account as collateral, and make a newbie account called lotteryalt, and tell the person who owes you to contact you on that account from now. And you will get your account after you submit your loan back, its not like OP will keep it forever, and you can use escrow as well if you don't trust OP.
At any rate, decision remains to OP if he still wants to loan you with
your conditions.