Hi Zefir
I really do appreciate your updates here in this forum.
Given the current spirit in this thread I was concerned that you won't come back here
And actually I do appreciate your involvement in bitmine, this way we got/get some insights which we would have wished to recieve through official channels.
This transparency does not come for free. It needs someone to collect the information and present it - which can only be done by Giorgio right now who has to take care on a ton of other things.
yes thats true.
However I would have expected that they have someone who does take care of the customers without contributing to (but being informed about) the HW/SW dev process.
This does not have to be a full blown PR department but one guy handeling the customer communication and support the executives in the area of project management.
Because usually, if shit hits the fan, you would need the tech and the "other" guys working at least 150%, which would not only be to much if one guy "wearing both hats", but in such projects phases you would need the tech guys to be able to do nothing else than solving the tech stuff - and the "other" guy brings them their coffee if necessary...
I would be happy to contribute to this company and apply to open needs in the area of project management myself, but Ticino is kind of the at "wrong" end of switzerland
You'll find hard working engineers who can't do their real job because their mobile is ringing every 20 seconds.
If these are really direct "end customer" calls, this is really bad, and should be (or should have been) prevented at any cost.
...and does actually support the point I just made above.
My idea would be to have something like
a) weekly status updates
b) immediate announcement if previously stated deadlines can not be met
Is this something we could start with?
Great idea, and if I remember correctly very similar suggestions have been already made by some guy(s) in this thread - I just can't remember his name
The only change request: I would make it twice a week, lets say Monday and Wednesday or Thursday, depending on if the guys are working over the Weekends.
And these updates should not only be like: "expect shipping by the end of this week" or "video comming up next week" but also include a bit more background what problems bitmine is dealing with at the moment (e.g. power consumption, heat dissipation, waiting for the new boards revision, etc.)
This would be highly appreciated (at least by me) since as you said:
This transparency does not come for free.
PS to all others: I do hope to get a video of a working rig on the beginning of next week. So let's see what Monday/Tuesday will bring up.